Charger and monitor power draw

1 Posts
Mar 18, 2008 02:09 pm
Charger and monitor power draw

I am designing a system for power requirements and understand my load requirement but I cannot seem to find power requirements for some of the ALT Energy listed charging and monitoring products. Firstly I presume that  chargers like the MX60 and monitors like the Trimetric/Penta run off the batteries they are connected to? there seems to be no mention of AC adapters. Should I be concerned about their current draw?
184 Posts
Mar 22, 2008 02:36 pm
Re: Charger and monitor power draw

If you're planning a small system it's smart to be concerned about the self-consumption and efficiencies of the system components.  I chose a Morningstar charge controller because of it's low power requirements.  You can find those specifications on the Morningstar website.  As I recall, it is difficult to find that information concerning the MX-60, but I'm sure it uses more power for it's own operation than my Morningstar product does.  On the other hand, the MX-60 does things that the Morningstar product is not capable of, which might justify the larger self-consumption. 

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