Solar Power for Public Health - used 65-80W solar panel

2 Posts
Feb 14, 2008 03:07 pm
Solar Power for Public Health - used 65-80W solar panel

I am a Canadian PhD student doing public health work in rural Panama.  Specifically I am looking at the interaction between parasite infection and malnutrition and how that changes with the delivery of a government health and development program.  Some of the parasite infections that I will be diagnosing need to be examined as soon as possible after sample collection so I will be setting up a laboratory in one of the community health posts.  The problem is that these do not have power.  I have found microscopes that work on rechargeable batteries with LED lights however I will need to charge these overnight for the next day's work. I believe that solar energy could provide the answer however I am working under a tight budget.   

I am looking for a used/donated 65-80 W solar panel and a charge regulator to charge the batteries for 3 microscopes.

Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you,
Carli Halpenny

PhD Candidate 
Institute of Parasitology/McGill School of Environment
Macdonald Campus of McGill University
21,111 Lakeshore Road, Ste-Anne de Bellevue
Quebec H9X 3V9, Canada

carli.halpenny @

462 Posts
Feb 15, 2008 10:56 am
Re: Solar Power for Public Health - used 65-80W solar panel

Carli, I was involved with helping to establish a similar program at UMass Lowell. The program, Peruml, now Village Empowerment, deals mainly with medical clinics and health issues in rural villages in the Andes of Peru. You can contact John Duffy, in the mechanical engineering dept., for some information that may be helpful in your endeavor. He may have some contacts for you in regards to getting donations for such projects along with system designs. You should be able to do an internet search and find him easily. 
« Last Edit: Feb 17, 2008 04:13 pm by Tom Mayrand »
2 Posts
Feb 19, 2008 09:15 am
Re: Solar Power for Public Health - used 65-80W solar panel

Hello Tom,
Thank you very much for your suggestion.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the fantastic project that UMass Lowell is doing ( it must have been quite the experience.  Professor Duffy has been kind enough to offer the required solar panel and now I am just working on transport. 

Thanks again,
462 Posts
Feb 20, 2008 11:54 am
Re: Solar Power for Public Health - used 65-80W solar panel

Your welcome Carli, I know JD is always looking for other opportunities to expand the project so who knows what the contact may do for you and yours. Good luck and I am glad I could help.

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