Off-grid cabin shower

1 Posts
Feb 12, 2008 12:17 pm
Off-grid cabin shower

Looking for advice on rigging a shower for a rustic cabin.  Basic overview is:

- will use cistern water supply
- thinking of a 12-volt pump (RV style?) to draw water from cistern
- split line after pump for hot and cold
- use tankless propane heater for hot water supply

does this sound like a good way to go? can any one provide details for pulling this together?  Any designs out there?
9 Posts
Feb 15, 2008 09:26 am
Re: Off-grid cabin shower

Everything sounds ok for the pump and battery hookup but I would be carefull about the tankless water heater because of the low capacity of the rv pump (gallons per min.) I would consider a RV water heater instead.  They are just about as efficient and volume is not a problem.  You can install them thru the wall just about any where so you should be able to install it near the shower - like under a bathroom vanity.
Jim C.
462 Posts
Feb 15, 2008 10:43 am
Re: Off-grid cabin shower

gj, have you consider a solar shower? If you can get your hands on some black poly pipe that is used for water service from your local plumbing supplier, you can put a roll or two in a sunny spot and hook that up to your shower or go with solar hot water panels with glycol and a heat exchanger tank if you plan on using it year round. You could then use the proposed pump along with a small PV setup for circulation and auxilary 12 V DC lighting.

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