Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

3 Posts
Jan 11, 2008 02:18 pm
Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

For serious inquiries only and as a package, I have the following for sale:
1) Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant, Model 60B, Serial # 47B58, 20 Amps, Double Commutator 110 Volt DC — built 1948/1949 in Minneapolis, MN
2) Jacobs "Mastermind" Control Cabinet, Model 60B, 20 Amps, 110 Volt
3) Jacobs Generator Saddle Assembly & Collector Brush Unit
4) Jacobs Flyball Hub & Governor
5) One set of three matched Jacobs propeller blades — Sitka Spruce
6) Jacobs Tail Vane, included complete frame and fin
7) Copy of Jacobs Instruction Book by Jacobs Wind-Electric Co., Inc.
Cool Jacobs Instruction Book, reprinted by Jopp Electric Works, Princeton, MN
9) Parts Lists for: Jacobs Wind-Electric Plants; Jacobs "Mastermind" Control Cabinet; Jacobs Flyball Hub & Governor; and Jacobs Blade Controlled Governor
10) Marketing/Informational Brochure used by Marcellus L. Jacobs' company in Minneapolis from 1930 to 1960
11) Original handwritten & signed letter by Fred Bruns dated 9.17.76 re: lighting protection for Jacobs Wind-Electric Plant Systems
12) Original letter signed by Marcellus L. Jacobs dated 9.14.77 (including original envelope with Jacobs logo) re: Jacobs Wind-Electric Plants, available parts & service, and Marcellus' "disclaimer" (and other comments) regarding representations made by Martin Jopp and "another Minnesota man."
4 Posts
Jan 11, 2008 04:32 pm
Re: Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

Mr. Tinko,
Contact me  at bz48vwyaz @ yahoo.com with your location, asking price, and other pertinent info.
1 Posts
Jan 12, 2008 08:02 pm
Re: Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

Mr. Tinko:

Please contact me via email at khood27 @ hotmail.com with further details regarding 1) your geographical location, 2)your price, 3) pictures (if any), and any other pertinent details.

Thank you,

1 Posts
Feb 4, 2008 07:10 pm
Re: Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

i am very interested in the jacob wind plant.is it still available and please give location price condition etc.
my email is youngd @ localnet.com
Mar 25, 2008 07:07 pm
Re: Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

do you still have unit if so where ar yu located and price
3 Posts
Apr 1, 2008 08:41 am
Re: Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

Dear Chicago Paskeicz,

Thank you for your interest. The Jacobs Electric Plant
Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58 is still available,
although a couple of other folks are considering.
Until funds are exchanged, it is not sold.

I am located in Guys Mills, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. which
is about 45 miles south of Erie, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
or about 90 miles north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
U.S.A. In addition, Guys Mills is about 15 minutes
east of the Interstate 79 a/k/a I-79 exit for
Meadville, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

In 1976, I was very involved in alternative energy,
including wind, solar, hydro, architecture and
hydrogen - teaching alternative energy at a local
University, giving workshops and presenting seminars
on alternative energy, as well as designing and
installing alternative energy systems. I was living in
a 3/4 sphere, icosahedron geodesic dome that I built
on 23 acres where the grid was not an alternative.
This Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant was located
somewhere in the mid-west U.S.A. (I can't specifically
recall whether it was Iowa, Kansas or Nebraska). I
purchased it in 1977 through a contact of mine. I also
went to visit Martin Jopp of Jopp Electric Works,
Princeton, MN, and began communicating with Marcellus
L. Jacobs, who by that time had moved to Fort Myers,
Florida, U.S.A. with the intention of learning as much
as I could about this particular machine, as well as
other Jacobs machines. I then designed and built a
three-legged, 100 feet, free-standing tower on which
this machine was to be installed and wired into 19
six-volt, 100 Amp lead acid batteries. Ah, but the
vagaries of life disrupted all of my plans, and this
machine was never put into service. Now, after 30
years of storing it, I have accepted the fact that it
is unlikely that I will ever use it for the purpose it
was intended. Hence, my willingness to sell it all -
the tower has been sold already.

Everything is in reasonably good condition, except the
Jacobs "Mastermind" Control Cabinet that was never in
good condition. Also, the Jacobs Flyball Hub &
Governor's front cone cover is dented - the dent could
easily be pressed-out or hammered-out with the
appropriate tools used by automotive body shops. The
machine is currently located in my basement, while the
other components are stored in other outbuildings on
my farm.  I do not have any photographs at this time.
It would take me a few days (and the right type of
digital camera) to gather all the parts and take
photographs. I am happy to do that depending upon the
seriousness of the potential purchaser.

I think a fair and reasonable price for this
particular system and associated documents is
$5,000.00 U.S. currency, plus shipping and handling
(or the purchaser is welcome to take delivery
personally). That being said, and depending upon the
particular purchaser, I might be willing to consider
other offers if the purchaser can demonstrate the
fairness and reasonableness of an alternative offer.

So, there you have it. I would be happy to learn about
you and your intentions. You can email me at
jwtinko @ yahoo.com. In addition, I would be happy to
speak to you if your interest continues. You may call
me in the U.S. at area code 814, telephone number
724-7000, Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30
P.M., prevailing Eastern Standard Time.

Best regards,


1 Posts
Sep 20, 2008 08:55 am
Re: Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant Model 60B, Serial Number 47B58

Is the Jacobs still for sale ?

Tom Baer
608 774 0392

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