Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted

4 Posts
Nov 13, 2007 08:46 am
Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted

I am looking for a flyball govenor or parts for one to fit an older Jacobs generator, model 60. Also looking for other parts for this generator.
3 Posts
Jan 11, 2008 01:38 pm
Re: Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted

Dear Mr. Zweibohmer,

For serious consideration only, I have a Jacobs Wind Electric System comprised of the following components and information:

1) Jacobs Automatic Wind-Electric Plant: Model 60B; Serial Number 47B58; 20 Amperes; Double Commutator 110 Volt, Direct Current, includes front and rear bell covers — according to original letter signed by Marcellus L. Jacobs, and corroborated by Fred Bruns, this Wind-Electric Plant was built in 1948/1949 in the Minneapolis, MN manufacturing plant

2) Jacobs Wind-Electric "Mastermind" Control Cabinet: Model 60B, 20 Amperes, 110 Volt

3) Jacobs Wind-Electric Generator Saddle Assembly and Collector Brush Unit, includes collector rings and turntable bearing

4) Jacobs Wind -lectric Flyball Hub and Governor, includes front cone and rear cover

5) One set of three matched Jacobs Wind-Electric propeller blades

6) Jacobs Wind-Electric Tail Vane, includes main frame and fin

7) Jacobs Wind-Electric Instruction Book, by Jacobs Wind-Electric Co., Inc., Minneapolis, MN

Cool Jacobs Wind-Electric Instruction Book, reprinted by Jopp Electric Works, Princeton, MN

9) Parts List for Jacobs Wind-Electric Direct Drive Electric Plants, by Jopp Electric Works, Princeton, MN

10) Parts List for Jacobs Wind-Electric "Mastermind" Control Cabinet, by Jopp Electric Works, Princeton, MN

11) Parts List for Jacobs Wind Electric Flyball Hub and Governor, by Jopp Electric Works, Princeton, MN

1 Posts
Apr 9, 2008 11:34 am
Re: Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted

Do you still need a flyball gov?  I have some in various stages of completeness. 

4 Posts
Jun 12, 2008 03:39 pm
Re: Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted

I just only have seen this message and it is June already. I have just seen this message today.

Could you send me more information about what you have for the Jacobs Governor and other parts (tail assembly, slip ring assembly, etc if you have such and wish to perhaps part with some) to the following email bz48vwyaz @ omnitelcom.com rather than reply through this forumn.

Pictures sent along with any information such as your location, etc. would be great.

I will look forward to communicating with you.

Bill Z.
4 Posts
Jun 12, 2008 05:09 pm
Re: Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted


I got that email address wrong.
The correct email to contact me is bz48vwyaz @ yahoo.com

That other address I gave you in regards to the Jacobs governor is incorrect.

Bill Z.

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