compost toilet

1 Posts
Oct 30, 2007 10:58 pm
compost toilet

Looking to manifest a good used compost toilet !

I am in Northern California..and am willing to pay shipping.

hoping this forum can make my dreams come true!

peace, love and joy!
1 Posts
Nov 4, 2007 10:32 pm
Re: compost toilet

Hi Kali,

I have a never-used Non-Electric Sun-Mar Excel-NE composting toilet that has been sitting in my basement for 2 years.  The person that bought it never used it and while the box is not in such great shape the toilet is still in original packing.  I live in Seattle and will consider shipping if you are interested. The price is $1395 online at but I will sell for $900.  Please contact me at cfede @ if you are interested.

1 Posts
Mar 23, 2008 10:54 am
Re: compost toilet

You can build one like I did and it works great, found Mc Donnalds is a good source for the buckets, the plans are available @   

With mine I use Peat moss, been composting for the past year.

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