No current from CX-20

1 Posts
Oct 17, 2007 04:24 pm
No current from CX-20

Hi Every body,

I have a CX-20, a solar panel (20W  I think, @full sunshine, Vcc = 18,7V and Isc = 1.43Amp), the battery is a sealed battery 12V, 60 Amp.

I use the nightlight function to turn ON/OFF a LED light that draws 350 mA. For 12 hours, the total comsumption is 4.2Ah.

The first 3 days the system worked fine (because @ 12.3V. the battery had enough charge). The next day the light did not turn ON at dusk. The battery was to low so the CX-20 disconnected the load.

I plugged the CX to my computer and ther was no information about the LOAD current nor the SOLAR PANEL current! After the disconnect, the battery was charging up 12.1. 12.3, 12.5 but there was no current registered in the datalogger.!

My questions are :

1 - Is there a minimum voltage to activate the CX. Voc 18,7 should be enough for a 12 Volt system.

2 - the datasheet says that the reconnected voltage is 12.8V. Can I change this value?

3 - Where sould I investigate to solve the problem?



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