Disconnect wind generator at tower

18 Posts
Aug 19, 2007 12:12 am
Disconnect wind generator at tower

I am a little confused about what I can disconnect when power is being generated. During lighting storms can I disconnect the breaker switch at the tower of my wind mill (whisper 200) and not have the current going anyplace? Or is it like my Hydro that has to have a place for the current to go! Any advise will be helpful.
578 Posts
Aug 19, 2007 06:14 pm
Re: Disconnect wind generator at tower

in most cases, turbines must be connected to some "load" (usually batteries) so as not to free wheel and tear themselves to bits. 

if you have a dump load integrated into your turbine's controller, or separately (sized appropriately) possibly with bypass switch, then even when you cutoff the current with a disconnect AFTER the controller but BEFORE batteries, the turbine will not freewheel.

some turbines have stop switches (air-x) and others furl to save themselves from high winds.

give your manual a re-read, and we will look into it when back in the office on monday.

james  Alt-E staff

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