News Articles and Websites

52 Posts
Jun 28, 2007 03:35 pm
News Articles and Websites

I have not seen a whole lot of coverage from the major media outlets regarding net metering changes and rebate programs in general. If you come across an article or website please start a new forum post so people can read and discuss what you’ve found.

Here are some links to start off with:

One of the best database’s for rebate info

Some good info on federal and state legislation regarding RE

Renewable Energy Access
Up to date news stories but I find it a bit challenging to try and research older articles

Go Solar Califonia!
Info on California rebate program

Renewable Energy Trust
Massachusetts Rebate Program
« Last Edit: Jun 29, 2007 04:25 pm by Chris Brown »
52 Posts
Sep 5, 2007 12:15 pm
Kentucky Sets Incentives for Biofuels & Renewable Energy

If a "renewable power facility uses solar energy, it must be at least 50 kilowatts in size, but other renewable power facilities must be at least 1 megawatt in size."

That's a lot of PV!;jsessionid=A6566B3A49EC30236C9361ACE2121B40?id=49845

52 Posts
Sep 21, 2007 11:39 am
First Renewable FIT Introduced in U.S.

"Patterned after Germany's highly successful Renewable Energy Sources Act, Veteran Michigan Assemblywoman Kathleen Law submitted a bill to the Michigan House of Representatives earlier this week that creates the first comprehensive renewable energy feed-in tariff (FIT) introduced into any U.S. legislature."

Rooftop solar less than 30 kW: $0.65 USD/kWh

*edit kW to kWh... thanks james Wink
« Last Edit: Sep 21, 2007 11:50 am by Chris Brown »
578 Posts
Sep 21, 2007 11:46 am
Re: News Articles and Websites

chris means

Rooftop solar less than 30 kW: $0.65 USD/kWh

that ever important "h" at the end.

interesting to note that article is written by paul gipe, author of several wind books we sell.

the time has come to harass your elected officials about this one.  the only thing that worries me is this would create a spike in demand and create a shortage of qualified renewable energy folks.  that would drive scammers and every type of nare-do-well into the solar bussiness, and i am afraid of those consequences.

james - Alt-E staff

"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 x107  or +1.978.562.5858 x107
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
163 Posts
Sep 21, 2007 04:17 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites

I think kW is correct. They will pay $0.65 for every kWh produced by solar panels up to 30kW in size.

It looks like a really good incentive but not the type that will attract fly-by-night operators.

By my estimates, a 30kW system would still cost around $240K ($8 per watt) to install, and I suspect that in Michigan it would not produce more than 150kWh a day in the summer and maybe half that in winter. This means we are looking at somewhere in the region of 30,000 to 50,000 kwh per year. Translated into dollars that means the system will take 7 to 12 years to pay for itself.

Now if the cost of the system can be reduced from $240K to $180K ($6 per watt) then the payback is much quicker, but presumably the State of Michigan is going to view the $0.65 per kwh you get from the utility as income and tax you on that as well. So the only loser in this scenario is the utility company that has to pay $0.65 per kwh for electricity that they could produce for less that $0.10 per kwh using some alternative atmosphere polluting substance.

BTW, the utility company in the Cayman Islands generates electricity by burning diesel, and with the price of oil going over $80 per barrel I expect that I will have to pay around $0.40 per kwh to them in my next bill. My last bill was $0.32 per kwh and they have announced that there will be a surcharge this month due to their increased cost of fuel.
578 Posts
Sep 21, 2007 05:27 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites

err?  right, the h at the end of $0.65 USD/kWh

chris has since fixed his post.

so to recap, < 30kilowatt rated system, paying out at a rate of 65 cents per kilowatt-hour of energy produced.

that is interesting about the islands.  those cases, you can make the economic case, for others, still a decent capital investment.


"Making Renewable Do-able"

Tel: 877.878.4060 x107  or +1.978.562.5858 x107
Fax: 877.242.6718  or +1.978.562.5854
163 Posts
Sep 21, 2007 06:14 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites

OK. Now it makes sense. I though (by changing kw to kwh) he was suggesting that 30kwh per day was the maximum that could be sold.
52 Posts
Dec 14, 2007 12:31 pm
Massachusetts incentives for buying solar panels

State to launch $68m solar panel program

Good to see some more programs in my home state of MA!

Also if your in MA check out The Green Communities Act of 2007 and if you support it, write your representative and let them know.

Find your representative's contact info here:
« Last Edit: Dec 14, 2007 12:39 pm by Chris Brown »
462 Posts
Dec 14, 2007 03:03 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites

That's all great for PV. What about solar hot water and passive gain for heating and lighting. The government, along with many others, overlook these technologies only because once installed, they cannot make any money from it or regulate it. Too many focus on cars and PV to save energy. Homes use much more energy than these together. You drive a car for an hour or two a day, but you live in your home 24/7 using heat, hot water and lights. If you could reduce or eliminate these bills, you would save a lot more money then the extra few mpg's and large, unaffordable, grid tie, PV systems government are pushing for.
97 Posts
Dec 14, 2007 03:43 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites

Actually, Tom, there is a IRS tax credit for solar water heat.
462 Posts
Dec 15, 2007 11:51 am
Re: News Articles and Websites

Jon, yes there is a tax credit for SHW. It used to be $1000 a year for 4-5 years then it was cut down to $2000 for 2 years. This is the last year for that deal. It is not the tax credit that I speak of though. With a large PV system, you can sell excess electricity back to the big guys at whatever rate they want to give you. And if you do not produce, they don't pay. You cannot sell hot water or hot air back to anyone. This is why they cannot make money off of it and do not promote the technology. And these technologies are a lot cheaper to buy and install and require very little, low cost maintenence over their lifetime and can save you a lot more money over time and have a faster payback. 
97 Posts
Dec 15, 2007 12:40 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites

I agree with you Tom, and appreciate your point taken.  I don't use grid tie or sell mode on the inverters for the reasons that you mentioned. And, I am not even interested if I get any monetary payback on the system over my lifetime.  I simply rejoice in the concept of being free of the Utility grid, of doing something to reduce greenhouse gasses, and the feeling of independence it brings to me.  That is my payback.  It seems, however, that many are looking for some kind of payback to justify the monetary cost of a system, and perhaps this is why more people have not yet jumped on the green band wagon. :-)
462 Posts
Dec 15, 2007 01:56 pm
Re: News Articles and Websites got it!
52 Posts
Dec 16, 2007 01:56 am
Re: News Articles and Websites

Tom, I agree completely! PV is sexy and it's the first thing people think of when they think RE but it's a whole energy consumption/production issue that needs to be addressed. That's exactly why I edited the post to include a link to the Green Communities Act. We need legislation that focus on efficiency and generation. I think the Green Communities Act is a good model for the Commonwealth and the nation for this reason.


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