Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Morningstar Prostar 15A with AC/DC Adapter for input

Well, this is not really a solar application, but I just wanted to know if it is possible to use the Morningstar Prostar 15A or ...
Issac Mathew 6

Morningstar PS-30 System Help

Ok, I've got 6 50w kyocera 12v PV cells, running into a PS-30, out to 3 interstate MegaTron SR-27 Deep Cycle Marine batteri...
Glenn Spencer 4

Morningstar Sunsaver MPPT PC MeterBus Adapter

I have the Morningstar Sun Saver Duo. I want to add the Morningstar Sunsaver MPPT PC MeterBus Adapter to my system. Since neithe...
Jimmie O 0

mounting kaneka 60 60w panels

i live in the northwest and will be installing 4 kaneka 60 60w panels on a dual axis array.  which array will these panels ...
Lee Stubbe 8

mounting solar panels without roof penetrations

hii want to mount solar panels on rooftop of my house but dont want to penetrate the roof structure in any way..i was reading ab...
arshia mehta 1

MPPT and PWM on same battery bank?

I have a C40 charge controller (which I understand is PWM) charging 4 L16HC batteries from 4 Siemens Panels.  I also have 2...
Rhett Fouraker 3

MPPT Charge Controller Question

I currently have a Sunforce 30 amp charge controller and bought a Blue Sky 2000e 25 amp 12v mppt controller. After swapping out ...
Dean M 5

MPPT Charge controller.

I am looking to upgrade my 160w/9.5A system to 640w/34A with possibility of expanding to 800w/40A in the future. My Blue sky 251...
Micah Shields 0

MPPT circuits

Hi  Where can I find a circuit of a 15amp MPPT controller?RegardsBrian
Brian Ellul 1

mppt controler with different size panels?

The BZ 500 mppt is on sale so I want to get a back-up controller to my Xantrex/Trace c-40. I am in the Bahamas on a sailing cata...
William Isherwood 2

MPPT with water turbines?

SolarBoost's user manual says that it cannot be used with any sources that requires a shunt load. So is there any MPPT charge co...
Kin Hang Poon 1

mullbank composting toilet

I have a Mullbank composting toilet I bought, brand new, but no instructions.  It is electric, has a paddle type cylinder i...
Gg 2

Multiple MPPT loads for PV panel -- bad idea?

Hi all, I am designing a solar heating system for a hot tub and I am contemplating using a 135W PV panel with two ...
Alice Reinheimer 4

Multiple Solar Panel String Scenario

I am curious about the effects of combining multiple strings of solar panels into a combiner box that have different voltages an...
Parker Jardine 5

Multiple sources of energy

I posted this in the installer forum but noticed many more participating in here. Please forgive the duplicity. I have ...
Gary Fuller 2

MX-60 question

I have 6 Solarworld 175w panels currently connected in parallel to an MX-60. Each panel runs into an combiner box at the array, ...
Andy D 8

My mini solar system.

Hi there. I have a small starter solar system, consisting of a panel, deep-cycle battery, charge controller and an inverter. Is ...
Sean Sullivan 2

Need a little help

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Just getting started in the Off-grid lifestyle. and I am using it primarily for a remote cabun, but hope to bring some of what I...
Joel Serra 35

need a little help with my first solar experience

Hello , I started researching solar a couple of months ago in preparing to build my system this spring. First of all some backgr...
Damon Hyde 0

Need a new Pump for a Reynolds Aluminum Crowntop Heat Exchanger

I am currently installing a  used Reynolds solar hot water system.  The domestic side water pump(not the collector pum...
Ryan Williamson 2

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