Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Lighting strikes

Help what to do , I have been hit by lighting twice in the past year, the 1st time it just shut down my inverter and the last ti...
Donald Bodda 0

Lightning protection

I was over on the store site and I need a little help. What if anything can I use to protect my inverter from a ground lighting ...
Max Schulte 1

Line loss/resistance over distance

I have a need to install my PV panels about 200 feet from my inverter/main panel.  My concern is about voltage loss due to ...
Jeff Butera 9

Lithium a better performance per $ than lead?

Let met start by saying that I built my own off-grid 400 watt solar PV system with 6 of 100AH @ 12V lead acid batteries.  M...
Alan Dennis 7

Load controller function

I have a BlueSky charge controller with a 25amp load controller function. What is this used for and should I have it connected?
Steve Dovel 2

Load Distribution Block, Grounding and Enclosures

At what wattage must the load go from 'wired to controller' to 'four terminal load distribution block' for a...
Roger Street 2

location for wind turbines

Tracy Low 1


Okay, so I want to go solar, I live in the desert.  AND I AM SICK AND TIRED OF WAITING FOR THE UTILITIES/GOV TO DO ANY...
BarrioBob Berrara 3


My 1000w wind turbine produces 3 phase AC and is 500 ft from the house. Should I run the AC current to the house and then conver...
Paul Nicholson 1

Looking for a wind system wiring diagram

I'm looking for and can't find a diagram for a small home wind turbine system (100-400 watts) that isn't written ...
David Yurk 4

Looking for advice in east Texas

I'm looking for advice, caution, ideas and suggestions for someone in  East Texas paying more than $400 p/month for electri...
Don Self 4

Looking for opinions on Enphase Inverters

One of the solar companies that we are considering has recommended Enphase Inverters on each of the panels. Does anyone hav...
Elaine Daley 12

Lorentz vs. Grundofs Pumps

Trying to get some feedback on Lorentz and Grundfos pumps.  We are about to install two remote livestock watering pumps on ...
Morgan Bassam 1

Low Battery Cut Out Limits

I have an Xantrex XW 4548 Inverter Charger and I am using a 48 volt battery bank. I noticed that the default value for the Low B...
Ray Westbrook 16

Low battery voltage, adding additional panels

My batteries never get above 12.5 volts yet my panels say they are kicking out 16volts, I can't for the life of me figure o...
Will Williams 3

Low output problem from solar panels

I hope someone can help me figure this one out! I have two Siemens SM55 panels mounted in parallel with a Morningstar ProStar co...

Lucent Charging Specs?

I've got a 24V solar system that utilises a bank of Lucent Batteries (Lineage 2000 UNIGY). The model# for the batteries is 3 AVR...
Fred Smith 2

Making coffee....

So, I have 2 Optima 12volt Deep cycle batteries connected in parallel to a 2500 watt inverter. I'm running an 800 watt (8 a...
Harold Bessette 4

Marine application

We are trying to power our sailboat with solar panels. We are looking into two 120 watt panels. We are unsure about how to tell ...
Sarah Hale 2

Max Lead Acid Discharge Current.

I'm planning a solar power system for our weekend cabin and have a question regarding discharge current.  I have a Pro...
Jerry Wenzel 14

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