Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

how to wire in a shunt for battery?

Can anyone please explain to me where and how a shunt goes in for use with a battery monitor? the monitor I'm look...
James Johnson 3

How to wire off grid inverter to main breaker panel??

I only have one panel in my house, in the garage. How do I wire my inverter to it?? I only have two solar panels..not en...
Andy T 1

How to wire solar panels in series for specific voltage: 12volts to 24volts

Can I wire two 12 volts 100 watts solar panels in series to obtain 24 volts. Do you need diodes between them or any protection d...
Marcelino Soto 2

Hybrid Grid-Tie System

I am considering installing the Whisper 200 wind turbine and a photovoltaic panel in a hybrid grid-tie system.  However, I ...
J.T. Glaze 1

Hybrid System

HiI would like to know which of the charge controllers will support a hybrid system (Solar Wind Turbine) RegardsALex
Alejandro Gonzalez 1

Hybrid System

For a Hybrid System (Wind and Solar), do you need a device to regulate between them, since both generate electricity in differen...
Jack Smith 1

Hybrid System

I'm looking to set up a new solar / wind off-grid hybrid system. I've decided on using a 3kW wind turbine and a 2.1kW ...
Kevin Moore 4

Hybrid wind & PV battery connection?

I plan to connect 3 PVs through a MPPT controller to the battery bank. And also connect an Air Industrial via its C40 ...
Bhikkhu Samahita 2

Hydro Power trasmission questions

I'm wondering how reasonable it is to transmit power from a small stream to my house which is roughly 150 Metres away from the s...
Dan Scheunert 4

Hydro system

Can anyone tell me why the alternators in the hydro systems have such a small output ie 500-1500 watts.  If I changed out t...
Michael Lee 1

hydro turbine 100 kw

i wish to run a turbine 100 kw off a approx 30m wide river with out bloking the whole river. also dont want to use batterys .the...
owen smith 13

hydro-electric power

Is 1/2 mile from water/power source considered short distance (24 or 48 D.C.) OR a long distance (120-240 A.C.)? Stanford Gr...
Stanford Gradstaf 3

Hydrometer readings and saving or extending battery life

Hi, I have 24 12V Deep Cycle Marine Batteries strung into 24V, I have done multimeter readings both before and after equalizatio...
Paul S 5

I am looking for a 12 volt programable timer.

Does anybody have any ideas? I am looking for a 12 volt in programable timer that I can put between the batteries and the power ...
Sheryl Wiesner 3

I need the amp hour lesson for batteries

Newbee here.. I bought an air-x24v , a trace zanthrex 24v inverter and I am looking at possibly a 120w solar panel. I also have ...
Roger Lemire 4

I'm just getting started and could use some advice.

I'm building a shed in my back yard and would like to experiment by powering it with solar. I'm looking for a simple configurati...
Mike Vettori 6

Ice free water

I'm new to solar energy experimentation.  I would like to make a small system to keep my horse's water warm this ...
Andrea Christenot 15

Impact of Solar Panel Orientation

I am looking for some advice regarding the impact of solar panel orientation and its impact on power generation.  Just to g...
Davin T 15

Importance of UL listed modules?

Obviously the UL listing has become an industry standard but how necessary is it? Are UL listed modules required for PV...
Jeffrey Guevara 5

induction motor

Can I use any induction motor to buit a wind generator?
Victor 0

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