Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Max Lead Acid Discharge Current.

I'm planning a solar power system for our weekend cabin and have a question regarding discharge current.  I have a Pro...
Jerry Wenzel 14

Parallel Batteries

Based on the feedback from the forum, I'm looking at upping my planned batteries for an off grid cabin from 2 GC2s (Golf Ca...
Jerry Wenzel 2

Learning and rethinking my cabin power system

I’ve been learning a lot on the forums.  I’ve been asking questions regarding a cabin with a 2000W inverter system and ...
Jerry Wenzel 15

Charge Settings for Flooded Lead Acid Batteries

I have my cabin inverter system set up and running temporarily at my house.  It consists of a Xantrex Prosine 2kW inverter ...
Jerry Wenzel 1

DC Well Pump

I have a cabin and I am putting a well pump in. We will only use it a few days a month, and I am on a budget. The well is 160 ft...
Jerry Worley 2

Geothermal from waterwells.

There seems to to be no one interested in developing the geothermal potential possibilities of shallow  100'-500' wells. I ...
Jim 2

Polarity sensitive DC circuit breakers

I am using OBB-xx 125VDC-DIN circuit breakers and note says "polarity sensitive do not reverse feed" and there is a &q...
Jim Moore 2

Bang Bang Bang goes my solar hot water heater

When the sun is shinning bright and the panels are a cooking, the pipes in the solar hot water system start to bang. It...
Jim Patera 10

Sine Wave Inverter Selection

I am about ready to upgrade to a sine wave inverter. I know the many advantages over modified sine wave but not all of the varia...
Jim Sluyter 0

Testing Solar Panels

I have several PV panels that have been installed at various times over many years. I suspect that some have degraded or failed ...
Jim Sluyter 1

Sun Angles

Does anybody know of a source giving the angle of the sun above the horizon at various latitudes at different times of the year....
Jim Verner 3

Testing PV Power Output

I watched the "Solar Panel Testing" video on the AltE website and measured my panels. The open circuit voltage (voc) =...
Jimmie O 5

Morningstar Sunsaver MPPT PC MeterBus Adapter

I have the Morningstar Sun Saver Duo. I want to add the Morningstar Sunsaver MPPT PC MeterBus Adapter to my system. Since neithe...
Jimmie O 0

Converting a regular heat tape (gutter ice) to work off a 15W Solar Collector?

I am a solar newbie, experimenting with a Northern Industrial Tools High Wattage Solar Panel – 15 Watt. I would like ...
Joe DeBottis 0

Solar Power needs am looking for ideas on what to purchase to rech...
Joe Nemecek 1

Xantrex MPPT60 Panel wiring configuration.

Hi, I have 14 Kyocera KC175GT panels and I plan to hook it up to a Xantrex MPPT 60A charge controller. I havent bought...
Joe Pham 3


Joe Reich 5

charge controller with Ametek permanent magnet motor

Hello,I am putting together a microhydro system using a 20V Ametek permanent magnet motor with a waterwheel. I need a charge con...
joe wood 0

DC Source Center

Hi everyone, I have at the moment a 5kW wind turbine and around 1kW PV arrays and I want to connect them in order to ge...
Joel Salazar 0

Need a little help

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Just getting started in the Off-grid lifestyle. and I am using it primarily for a remote cabun, but hope to bring some of what I...
Joel Serra 35

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