Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

House-Wide UPS system

Fd F 4

How can a 48 volt dc generator be used to charge 24 volt battery bank?

I have a 48 volt dc generator 5.5 kw. Also have 2 24 volt inverters. Have 2 mx 60 charge controlers for my solar panels. Is ther...
Victor Snodgrass 14

How do I determine how many wind turbines I will need???

My home and shop use about 1800kwh per month and I noticed the wind turbines are rated by watts only. How do I convert ...
Richard Moschilli 2

How far to drain batteries

hey, kinda confused here. in a battery bank set-up, if its being charged and discharged regularly, how far should it be allowed ...
Ian Williams 1

how many amp hours is a car battery

hiabout how many amp hours is a car battery???and can i use a car battery or 2 with a inverter to run a celling fan ( about 17 w...
Terry 2

how many amps

how many amps should my wind turbine motor produce. is there an ideal amp or does it matter. also if i do not have enough amps i...
Nathan Plass 1

How many watts ?

Have 2 Kyrocea 130 watt 12 volt wired for 24 volt=260 watts. Hooked up to a Xantrex 35. Want to add a 24 volt 170 watt Sharp pan...
Allen B 1

how many watts of panels are needed

im looking to set up a system that will support at peek use about 3500-4000 watts per day with a diesel gen as a back up to pick...
Wayne Kobe 2

How much do I need?

I have a vary large home and property with lots of gagets and stuff. I want to power it all with wind and solar power. I want to...
Ellwood Bartlett 2

How much is too much?

I currently have 8 - 200 watt 24V Sharp panels wired in parallel /series with them being in pairs, giving me 48V going into an O...
Ken Porter 4

How to attach solar cells to backing panel

Hello all.  I am new to this forum and I hope someone can give me a hand.  I am expanding a wind system to a wind/pv s...
William Dino 1

How to calculate the inverter size for a 5kw system?

I am planning to set up a 5KW solar PV stand alone system. how to select the size of inverter required for me?
Dare Devils 1

How to check inverter output.

I have a Solarex 120w panel with a Microsine M100 inverter mounted on it. It was working fine when I took it down to do a reroof...
Kevin Crowley 2

How to connect a generator with a battery(12v) or with a lamp?

I need some help with my schoolproject which is to build a windmill. The windmill is all clear and the last thing is to con...
Robin Andersson 13

How to find the tilt factor for a given tilt angle

Hi all!!!! I want to find the radiation on a tilted module. to find that i need to multiply radiation on horizontal sur...
Tech Guy 3

How to increase electric output

Iwould like to know how to increase electric output on a micro-hydro system. What are the variables? Magnet strengh, size, size ...
Dave Diaz 1

how to program Tri-Metric

Can anyone tell me what I should use for values to program my Tri-Metric. I have a 24 volt system with 4 new trojan L-16 batteri...
Ed Gold 2

how to reduce wire size form pv to house

i just bought 5 ec-110 panels 12v 3.42a/ 24v 6.84aand wish to hook them up to a 12v system i have some 6v interstate work horse ...
tractors nmore 2

how to set up a battery based PV system with GRID BACKUP

Yes, you read that right. I live in Hawaii, where the utility rates are .$.40-$.50/kWh. I want to design a system that relies on...
Benjamin S 7

How to test the charge of GEL batteries

Hi, is there any way to test the charge of sealed GEL batteries? With Lead Acid you can check the specific gravity ...
Nigel Morton 2

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