Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Global Sun Oven Smell

I love my solar oven.  I bought it in March and have been using it frequently throughout the summer.  My only problem ...
Aine Ni Cheallaigh 1

Go Power Inc. brand inverters

LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-04 AT 05:30 AM (EST)I need to know. Is the GPSW 600's "pure sine wave" at 60 Hertz and at what effici...
Thomas Allen Schmidt 1

Going Grid Tie

I am going grid tie and I would like some tech assistance. I have solar panels, wind mill and small hydro unit the max I can...
Donald Bodda 0

Green Energy Summit 2009: Clean Technology, Renewable Energy, and Sustainability

World Leaders Gather at Green Energy Summit 2009 to Plug Bailout Scenarios Clean Technology, Renewable Energy, and Sustainab...
Shaguf Mohtisham 0

green exterior insulation systems?

Hi everybody, I am looking around for a green alternative to phenolic foam panels and polyicicyanurate panels. They are not...
Tony Larson 1

Grid Backup For PV System

I'm building a system to run a 30 watt pump and some LED lights for a Koi pond. It needs to run 24/7 or else fish will suff...
Chris Kreymann 6

Grid connected system schematic

I am required to supply a schematic diagram to my county building dept of my proposes system. Where will I find a typical 5000 t...
Thomas Snyder 2

Grid Parallel Inverter

I am wanting to install a 2 - 3kW system in my home. I live in Mississippi, and currently the power company does not allow for n...
Chris Dorsey 4

Grid Supply Issues

Hi all!  I am looking into purchasing some Kaneka 60w panels for a small installation at home.  I am planning on havin...
George Mackintosh 3

Grid synchronizer

I'm looking for the equipment that can synchronize a small generator (5kw to 20kw) with the grid so I can use the generator to r...
greg pearson 8

Grid Tie Inverter fooled by Inverter based generator?

Pure curiosity, Non battery backup grid tie inverters by design are supposed to shut down when the grid goes down. The trigger a...

Grid Tie Inverters

The Gt 3.0 and Gt 3.3 Inverters have a built in Ac/DC disconnect,is an additional disconnect usually install at the the panels a...
Scott Stevens 10

Grid Tie Solar system

Hello. . .   I am researching a Grid Tie Solar system - no batteries.  I have selected the PV array - 24Vdc/20...
Jack Spamless 1

Grid tied and battery? Worse two different voltages?

We're close to deciding to move to Europe [Italy actually] nextsummer/fall. The idea is to add a grid tied system when we fix up...
Robert Davis 4

grid tied whisper 500 turbine?

Hi. I've been recently looking to purchase a medium sized (3KW) residential wind turbine to help reduce our electric consum...
Tim Redgewell 2

Ground Mount system - How far can I place from inverter?

I'm new to PV but have done MUCH reading over the past couple years. I'm considering a system in the neighborhood ...
Mike Killin 3

Ground question

Right now I have one positive connection and one negative connection from the battery for my solar panels and then the same for ...
Max Schulte 1

grounding a small DC/AC system?

How should I ground my system and or change it. 128 watts of PV panels with two trojan 105 AH batteries, prostar15 controlle...
Todd K 6

grounding and safety question

Hello! I am expanding the PV of my system, and am also taking this opportunity to review the safety of my system as wel...
Lowell Fletcher 4

Grounding Exeltech inverter

I have a 24v PV system and am confused about grounding the Exeltech 1100 inverter.  The AC neutral, ground and chassis are ...
James J 3

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