Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Effect of desulfator on equipment

I am installing a 30w panel and desulphator/charge controller on my boat. If the power is on to my instruments, equipme...
Randy Sermons 0

effects of shading on solar panels

I've heard there are panels that shut down when partically shaded and panels that remain active when partically shaded.  Ex...
bill 6

efficient use of an inverter

At what point does using an inverter become efficient? I understand the issues of energy loss due to conversion from the DC batt...
James Johnson 2

El Sid pump problems

I bought a bunch of the El Sid by Ivan Labs pumps for circulating my radiant heat.  I was sold on the no bearings, no seals...
Thomas Anderson 20

electric heating element question

I have a 120v ac immersion liquid heater with thermostatic control (purchased from  This is essentially the same...
Travis M 2

Elster Meters

My utility installed an Elster Alpha Plus A1D+ meter to measure the net metering of my system. I come to find that it may be the...
Hank Sandhoff 0

End User Module Performance Concerns

I'm a recent Master's graduate in Materials Science from NC State University. My research focused on nanoscale solar c...
Jeremy Peters 4

Energy draw switch

I own a small island in Canada that isn't connected to the grid. About 3 years ago we got our first renewable power, a simp...
Steven Messer 11

Enough collector area for domestic HW and hot tub + heat exchanger questions

Folks I've been reading, drawing, and thinking. Last one is the scary part. What I want to do it heat my...
Elbie Yates 5

Enphase Inverter

Does anyone in the forum have one of these units in service? For my budget going with one of those inverters is an option howeve...
Max Schulte 1

Enphase inverters?

Just found there advertisement and see the up side to get things to AC power as fast as possible. Has anyone tyred this type of ...
David O 3

Equalizing a Bank of Batteries

What is the best way to equalize a battery bank?  I have some BAE solar batteries (12 VOLT)and they are 7 years ol...
Mike Zaborski 2

evaporative cooling

I am trying to source an evaporative cooler to run on 12V or 24V DC from solar power (max 500W0.This is either to cool a 4.5M3 b...
Martyn Lovell 3

Exeltech 1100w/24v XP VS Xantrex Prosine 1000w/24v

Does anyone have any experience to report with these two inverters?  I am trying to decide which is a better inverter since...
James J 3

Exeltech XP1100

HiI'm interested in purchasing the Exeltech XP1100 24v DC 230v AC inverter. Anyone has some experience to share before committin...
Brian Ellul 0

exhaust venting solar shed with 48v 5 inch fan

Hi,have sealed gel filled batteries(12) in a power shed and wanted to vent heat outside,wasn't happy with choices offered 1...
Eric Heise 5

Fact or Exaggeration ?

LAST EDITED ON Aug-27-04 AT 05:36 PM (EST)I see solar panels (especially on ebay) that claim readings of 76-98 Volts DC (op...
Mike Barnes 3

Failing PV panels

I found this issue on another site...wondering if anyone has some advice or insight about this issue: "In 2003 I h...
Bruce Friedman 4

Feeding oil burner with SHW

Does anyone know if this is possible? Would the oil burner realize that the feed water entering the inlet is preheated? Would th...
Jeffrey Guevara 3

Flaky Phocos charge controller and USB datalogger?

Here is a condensed version of a message I sent to the Phocos e-mail - and they haven't replied.  I bought the Phocos ...
Michel Maupoux 8

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