Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Effect of desulfator on equipment

I am installing a 30w panel and desulphator/charge controller on my boat. If the power is on to my instruments, equipme...
Randy Sermons 0

Adding wind turbine to off grid solar system

Hi everyone, I'm new here, but have a question.  I have a 48V off grid solar system with a 10KW generator as a back up...
Ralph Robertson 1

Noise and vibration from Air-X

I am thinking of buying an Air-X 400W wind generator for use with my Class-A motorcoach.  For simplicity, I would like to u...
Ralph Cornforth 6

can high powered DC blowers powered by solar?

Hi everyone  I am planning to have an air blower of capacity 1500cmh. That to using DC power which is directly gene...
Dare Devils 4

How to calculate the inverter size for a 5kw system?

I am planning to set up a 5KW solar PV stand alone system. how to select the size of inverter required for me?
Dare Devils 1

Questionnaire for site surveying to install a solar PV system

Hi everyone! Can I get a questionnaire prepared for site survey of a solar PV system which includes the following. ...
Dare Devils 1

Connecting two solar panels to a single charge controller

Is is possible to connect 2 solar panels to a  30A charge controller. The Solar panels are both 12 but one is 80W ...
Dare Devils 2

Tower for a Bergey XL-1 wind generator

I am thinking about putting up a 40 ft tower (overall height) for the wind generator. The first 20 ft will be my water tank towe...
pslynch 1

Air403/P.V. Hybrid

First, kudos to the Alt-E Store for both great pricing and timely deliveries.  Now, for my question.....I am installing bot...
Prospector 1

Wire sizing

I have 40 amps solar panel (8 panels) arrayed 24 volts and 8 golf cart 6v batteries.  I'm told my wiring is wrong kind and ...
phillip toney 1

Do I need multple charge contollers?

I think that what I need is something to read about how to charge a battery bank from both a solar array and a generator. Sugges...
Philip Morgan 1

60A charge regulator with MPPT ?

Hi can anyone recommend a good charge regulator that operates at the maximum power point. Our systemn is 24V with 60A max curren...
Phil Shadbolt 3

Calculate number of panels needed

Hello I am trying to create a little excel sheet document that will help me calculate the number of solar panels and ba...
Phil Metzger 1

Solar system calculator

Hello I have some questions. Firstly what is the difference between off-grid and on-grid for the calculator? se...
Phil Metzger 3

Proper Charger/Controller for engine to alternator setup

Hello, I have a 6HP lister diesel engine which I would like to use to charge a battery bank.  My original plan was...
Phil Johnson 13

Sizing and designing vineyard irrigation system

I have the beginnings of a solar system to run irrigation for a vineyard at a remote site in Sonoma County. I have 2 100 watt pa...
Peter Young 11

No current from CX-20

Hi Every body, I have a CX-20, a solar panel (20W  I think, @full sunshine, Vcc = 18,7V and Isc = 1.43Amp), the ba...
Peter Rockman 0

solar space heating BTUs

Can someone clarify the output ratings on the SolarSheet and SunMate heaters?  I'm trying to heat an open area that is...
Peter Riebold 5

Angle for PV panels?

I'm new to Solar, but I've been interested in it for quite some time. I'm wondering if there is a "best angl...
Peter Leibold 2

Solar energy

I have been asked to draw up a plan for a farm on Savanna land in tropical Africa. The land is extensive and I even wonder about...
Peter Gardiner 0

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