Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

solar collectors for space heat

On a home that has an existing hot water radiator heating system powered by an oil burner, could you integrate a solar hot water...
Jeffrey Guevara 1

Solar Charger for Golf Cart

Hello I am looking for basic advice on building an integrated solar cell charger for a golf cart.  I recently move...
Doug Robertson 13

solar charger

I have a bank of 6 - 8 volt batteries, 48 volts powering an electric motor on an electric cart.  Batteries are currently ch...
charles brine 1

Solar Charge Controllers - Is one made with standard "SAE connector" in & out??

Greetings, I'm a newbie to all this, so please bear with me. I just ordered a Global Solar Accessory Kit from Alte...
Steven Silva 9

Solar Battery Charging of Security System

I just ordered 3 Linksys WVC 200 PTZ cameras and 3 IR illuminators.  I want to place them outside in a sealed box around my...
Bishop Davis 1

Solar backup for GenSet battery

I'm using a small solar power supply and controller to maintain charge on a Diesel GenSet battery; when the GenSet autostarts th...
Pete Smith 1

solar back packs

 are they  
Leesa Newlan 2

Solar Attic Fan - can I charge a battery with it?

I have a solar powered attic ventilator fan. Since I live in Arizona I figure I can unplug it for several months in the winter. ...
BarrioBob Berrara 3

solar angle

I am repositioning my panels and would like to set them at the proper angle for DECEMBER 21 2008,I guess that would be my best b...
Rene M 10

Solar & Wind

At age 50 I am looking for a Solar & wind Generator system for my home of 2800 sq. ft.I would like a 240 vac system large enough...
Konocti 1

snow on air-x blades

I have had my air-x land 12volt up since just before Christmas. I have seen snow sticking to the blades twice now. The first tim...
Roy Gross 4

Snow & Ice Buildup On Solar Panels

Has anyone ever tried using a surfactant product like Rain-X on panel surfaces to stop or slow the buildup of snow or ice? ...
Michael Megee 5

Smaller Generator with Capacitor

Hey folks, Newbie here.  First post.  I am moving into an off grid home that currently uses a 7.5KW Diesel GenSet ...
Rudi Fowler 2

Small wind installer near central Maine

Hi All, I'm looking to expand my PV system to a hybrid PV/wind system. I've purchased a an Air X wind turbine,...
Brian Shaban 3

Small System Suggestions?

I have a system that draws 5 WH per hour 24x7. I have wind power at the site but it has changed drasticly in the last year. New ...
Jerry Allen 6

small scale battery charger

Hello, My experience and understanding of solar energy is limited to the 1 amp panel I run on my camper trailer that us...
Greg Kasparian 2

Small PV Data Logging

I have a small 47W off-grid PV setup.  I'm using a Doc Wattson DC meter to manually log data about the power generated...
Jonathan Hunt 6

small light and battery charge controller (SORLSR-6-5L) but FOR WIND??

I'm interested in using this device to charge agm or lead acid batteries from a small wind application.  Can the contr...
Brian Segers 2

Small Battery Charging

Hello! Is there a way to charge my smaller batteries directly from my panels? Just to name a few, I have a cordless drill batter...
Sean Sullivan 0

Skystream and Outback

Skystream's documentation makes it appear that it can be configured to work with an Outback to charge batteries and sell to...
Jeff G 0

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