Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Importance of UL listed modules?

Obviously the UL listing has become an industry standard but how necessary is it? Are UL listed modules required for PV...
Jeffrey Guevara 5

xantrex charge controller display cover readings do not make sense

the battery voltage is jumping from 10.9 to 12.7 to 11.6 does not make sense is this controller faulty the voltage from my panel...
Kenneth Curtis 5

What's the implication of # of back up days and temp on battery bank sizing calc

Good day. I was using the alt-energy online calculator to size up a system which I am hoping to build. I wor...
Vincent Chow 5

economic solar water pump design

I live in the San Ildefonso Ixtahuacanm Huehuetenango Guatemala. I work with the Social Ministry of the Catholic Church in a sus...
Todd Bauer 5

Connecting to AET piping

Just recieved two shiny new AET solar panels.  The instructions with the panel state that there is a "nipple" con...
Lawrence Lile 5

Charge a 24volt battery with two 12 volt chargers???

Might be a stupid question.Can two 12 volt chargers be hooked in series to charge a 24 volt battery. Or for that matter four 12 ...
Paul Smith 5

Pole Mounting - Use the Pole as Ground?

Can you use a steel ( 6 inch schedule 40 ), in 4 foot of concrete, as the system ground?
Keith Birchfield 5


I have some old lawn mowers and chain saws. Is it possible to use the magnet pully and line up 4 or 5 coils and put it on an old...
Lan Go 5

Solaroll water heater

I have and old Solaroll rubber mat solar water heater with copper manifold.  It has worked wonderfully for 28 years but now...
Sam Avery 5

no batterys

Ok say I have a year round flowing water source to turn my hydro electric turbine do I still need batteries to run my system or ...
Nathan Plass 5

Double-Duty Charge Controller.

Hi All.  I’m just getting my feet wet and I’d like to get started by setting up a small solar panel rated at 14V, 13 Wa...
Mike Deavers 5

Minimum watts to grid tie?

Hello. I am fairly new to the alternative energy scene, however am quickly growing more and more interested. I am wondering if i...
Paul Latina 5

Buying components for flexible design

I have a general question about components for a very small PV system, but soon to be a 1KW system.... When I will buil...
James J 5

Xantrex C-35 contoller

I have not purchased this yet but does this unit when switched to diversion mode still charge in PWM mode? I have downloaded som...
Max Schulte 5

Battery Brand & Model Recommendation

What deep-cycle battery will give me the most bang for my buck on a 24v system? Best place to get them? Thanks...Stan
Stan Bowen 5

Reynolds Aluminum Solar Collector

   We bought a house with a "Reynolds Aluminum Solar Collector" on the roof, with piping leading into the basement nea...
Andi Weiss Bartczak 5

solar/wind on Xantrex C35 and no charge from wind at night.

Sunforce 60 watts of solar, Air-X 400watt turbine both feeding a Xantrex C35 charge controller in PV charger mode (not worried a...
Daniel Johnson 5

solar space heating BTUs

Can someone clarify the output ratings on the SolarSheet and SunMate heaters?  I'm trying to heat an open area that is...
Peter Riebold 5


Joe Reich 5

"Question about Solar Panels Mounting"

I asked this question also on another forum, but hope here I'll get faster response.    I'm working on designing a sma...
Dmitry Aniskovich 5

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