
Looking to to buy some renewable energy product? Post what you want here!


Subject Started by Replies

Horse water tank

I have these water tank that freezes in the winter and because I don't have electric power enough up to that area, I can't use t...
Wilma Heriot 4

Older Jacobs Flyball Govenor wanted

I am looking for a flyball govenor or parts for one to fit an older Jacobs generator, model 60. Also looking for other parts for...
Bill Zweibohmer 4

Wind to grid system

I'm looking for a wind-powered system that I can tie to grid. Something with no batterys, very little maintenance and relitivley...
Rich Ross 4

Looking for Photowatt PW1000 panels in NJ

Hello,  I need 4 of these panels to complete my string. Must be 24V configurable, prefer the 105W variety. I'm loc...
John Anderson 4

windpowered generator

We are wanting to install a windmill on our property for alternative energy.  We are looking for a Tri-prop. with the neces...
JUDO McGoran 4

Trace Microsine Inverters

I am willing to pay up to $200 for anyone looking to sell Trace Microsine utility intertie inverters.  They also have gone ...
Ross Nizlek 4

New Technology?

I am involved in a small company, based in Europe, which has new technology that enables the use of geothermal energy almost any...
Blaine Landreman 4

Motorized bicycle wanted

Here's my situation:  I've recently started an 18 month assignment at Guantanamo Bay and I don't have a car....
John D 4

Looking for used solar panels in Ottawa, Canada region

Hello, I'm looking for used solar panels and solar setup equipment.  I'm located in Ottawa Canada but am wil...
Sean Collins 3

Solar powered pump for open loop system.

Hi All, does anyone know where I can purchase a small dc motor that will pump water from my tank to a flat plate collector? I ne...
Alan 3

solar boat bailer

I have a 16 foot aluminum fishing boat that I have to leave uncovered for weeks at a time.  Can I install a solar powered m...
samg 3

mechanical thermostat for solar pool heater

I am search of a mechanical thermostat (the type and size one might find in an automobile). The problem is I need a activation r...
Ron Kidney 3

500kW up to 1MW Wind generator request

I am looking for 500kW up to 1MW Wind generators Located in the States for sale; New or used. Please remember to include pr...
Juan-carlos Parra 3

wanted: decent sized solar panel (up to 100w) with shattered but present glass

I have an idea for a method to repair a solar panel with a shattered glass surface if the glass is not missing.  I don't w...
Travis M 3

fan needed for mullbank composting toilet

I have an elderly mullbank (circa 1975) and need a replacement fan 120v AC. Any help locating one would be appreciated. I'm...
Joe Dewey 3

Solar Power for Public Health - used 65-80W solar panel

Hello, I am a Canadian PhD student doing public health work in rural Panama.  Specifically I am looking at the interac...
Carli Halpenny 3

low-powered pump

I'm working on a project that requires a low powered dc pump that draws current in the mAs.  Anybody know a supplier?  ...
chem 3

Reynolds Crowntop Circulator Pump

I need a replacement pump for my Reynolds Aluminum Crowntop solar hot water system circa 1981. The pump for the tank water (not ...
Jim Reineck 3


I need help. I am doing this Investigatory project in school about solar panels and I don't know how it works. I am supposed to ...
eva mae 3

Plastic panels

Am searching for 4x8 or 2x8 plastic panels that have the 1/2" channels down thru two sheets of plastic. For a better descri...
Frank Bingham 3

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