Chuck Anderson's posts

Posted by Chuck Anderson on Jul 28, 2009 10:20 pm

#1 -  Renewable Energy > For Sale > Re: used GNB Absolyte IIP batteries for sale
Yes, please contact me at my email if you are interested:

cra (at) wpi (dot) edu


Posted by Chuck Anderson on Jul 14, 2009 06:09 pm

#2 -  Renewable Energy > For Sale > used GNB Absolyte IIP batteries for sale
I have twelve (12) GNB Absolyte IIP Type 4-90A11-R23, 4-cell, 2 Volts Per Cell, VRLA, AGM, 440 Ah, 8 Hour to 1.75 VPC, 23-inch relay rack mountable, 20 Year batteries.  Connect 6 of these in series for 48V.  I have the bus bars, plastic insulating covers, two 23" relay racks, and two Nortel MFA150 48V rectifier systems as well if interested.  These are approximately 9 years old.  The batteries were float-charged in temperature controlled telco environments and never deep cycled throughout their life.  We moved to AC powered systems, so we don't need these anymore.

Best offer takes them.

Located in Worcester, MA.

Posted by Chuck Anderson on Jul 14, 2009 06:03 pm

#3 -  Renewable Energy > Wanted > Re: Used AGM batteries
I have twelve (12) GNB Absolyte IIP Type 4-90A11-R23, 4-cell, 2 Volts Per Cell, VRLA, AGM, 440 Ah, 8 Hour to 1.75 VPC, 23-inch relay rack mountable, 20 Year batteries.  Connect 6 of these in series for 48V.  I have the bus bars, plastic insulating covers, two 23" relay racks, and two Nortel MFA150 48V rectifier systems as well if interested.  These are approximately 9 years old.  The batteries were float-charged in temperature controlled telco environments and never deep cycled throughout their life.  We moved to AC powered systems, so we don't need these anymore.

Located in Worcester, MA.

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