wanted used composting toilet

4 Posts
Oct 28, 2002 08:43 pm
wanted used composting toilet

we are looking for a non ele. composting toilet used in good working condition our email is read only at the library so if you don't hear right away... we will get back to you thanks
39 Posts
Oct 30, 2002 01:41 pm
Re: wanted used composting toilet

All these toilets are is a box that contains peat to absorb waste and a device to mix and break it up. The electric part just dries out the peat. Just make sure that the box is vented to the outside and change the peat regularly.
1 Posts
Jan 16, 2003 01:31 pm
Re: wanted used composting toilet

>All these toilets are is a box
>that contains peat to absorb waste
>and a device to mix and
>break it up. The electric part
>just dries out the peat. Just
>make sure that the box is
>vented to the outside and change
>the peat regularly.

That's not quite true. But it *is* true that it's not hard to make one. When you find a design, check to make sure that it has lots of happy users (ask folks other than the source of the design). In writing our book, we were surprised to find that there are  many publicized designs for which we could find no content users.

Our book, The Composting Toilet System Book, features several designs and their sources (if you need more info beyond a diagram). It also describes 30+ manufactured systems.

If you make your own system, consider installing a urine diverter so odors will be less of a concern. Ecovita sells one: see http://www.ecovita.net and click on Privy Kit. I've also made them out of funnels in Mexico, but these don't work as well.

Good luck!

1 Posts
Jan 1, 2004 06:01 pm
Re: wanted used composting toilet

i have a sunmar exxcel here in western NC, are you looking to buy or work some kind of trade?

1 Posts
Jan 26, 2004 10:26 pm
Re: wanted used composting toilet

we have an Envirolet Waterless Remote system
in good working order (the previous owners used it-we just bought a house and are putting in septic)
They paid $1500 for it in 3 1/2 years ago.
>we are looking for a non ele.
>composting toilet used in good working
>condition our email is read only
>at the library so if you
>don't hear right away... we will
>get back to you thanks

5 Posts
Mar 1, 2004 10:22 pm
Re: wanted used composting toilet

>we have an Envirolet Waterless Remote system
>in good working order (the previous owners used it-we just bought a house and are putting in septic)
>They paid $1500 for it in 3 1/2 years ago.
>>we are looking for a non ele.
>>composting toilet used in good working
>>condition our email is read only
>>at the library so if you
>>don't hear right away... we will
>>get back to you thanks


Did you sell it???  I'd be interested.

cwilson @ goatpacking.com

3 Posts
Jun 30, 2004 04:04 pm
used envirolet for sale

I have a used envirolet for sale. It was purchased in June 2003 for $1400.00.  It was used for 3 months with no problems and it is non electric.  I have moved and am no longer in need of it and it has been in storage.  Very clean and taken care of. Color is white.  If you are interested please contact me and we can discuss price and shipping.
1 Posts
Jul 29, 2006 01:58 pm
Re: wanted used composting toilet

Hello, I'm glad to find a site for this!! Well I'm in need and was wondering if you have a price for me I would have it shipped to Monroe TN. P.S I am a single mother and limited sources as of now so give me your best price and I thank you for your time and help.  Laura
2 Posts
Aug 17, 2006 10:39 am
Re: wanted used composting toilet

>we have an Envirolet Waterless Remote system
>in good working order (the previous owners used it-we just bought a house and are putting in septic)
>They paid $1500 for it in 3 1/2 years ago.
>>we are looking for a non ele.
>>composting toilet used in good working
>>condition our email is read only
>>at the library so if you
>>don't hear right away... we will
>>get back to you thanks <P>><P>Did you sell it???  I'd be interested.<P>cwilson @ goatpacking.com<P>

2 Posts
Aug 17, 2006 10:43 am
Re: wanted used composting toilet

Hello, I'm glad to find a site for this!! Well I'm in need and was wondering if you have a price for me I would have it shipped to Monroe TN. P.S I am a single mother and limited sources as of now so give me your best price and I thank you for your time and help.  Laura

Dear Laura:  We have a nearly new Envirolet composting toilet system in our studio that will be removed this week to be replace with a septic system.  It is a 120 volt fan unit. It was seldom used and is completely clean and fresh, as new. Please contact me at fargo_r@yahoo or 203 259-1492 in Connecticut. 

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