Wind Power Job Available

1 Posts
Oct 10, 2006 08:09 am
Wind Power Job Available

Looking for a really sharp, motivated person to assist me in the development of my wind generator business. 

Responsibilities will include product development, marketing, installing and repairing of wind turbines and ancillary equipment.  Prefer someone with experience with wind and RE. 

Salary commensurate with experience, skills and knowledge.  Can also provide company cellphone, vehicle and housing allowance.  Location is Galveston, Texas.  Email snapshot CV to Isletom @
1 Posts
Oct 12, 2006 11:48 am
Re: Wind Power Job Available

Do you have any stores in Billings Mt.?

Need to know how to figure what I need for a house 2500 square foot, with basement.

Shirley Perro
grammy1946 @

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