5 Posts
Sep 8, 2006 05:49 pm


I own an HS TARM model 502 multifuel boiler.  When I originally purchased the boiler 15 years ago, the comapny made a conversion kit that could be installed in the boiler to use electricity as a supplementary or independent fuel source.  I did not purchase the kit at the time because it made no sense to me.

My wife has recently developed severe problems with her knees and arthritis so that the dampness at night and when it rains causes her a lot of pain.

The US distributor of Tarm products can no longer get these conversion kits and the company's home office in Germany does not answer my emails.

Is there anyone out there who has one of these kits or who could send me a parts list and the electrical specifications so that I could get the needed parts from a local supplier.

Thanks   J. Hart
4 Posts
Nov 13, 2008 04:34 pm
Re: TARM BOILER model 502

I'm interested in exchanging information on this boiler.  I've "inherited" it so to speak but with no significant prior usage inputs other than some older literature.

I followed a thread from the fellow looking for information on the Tarm 502 and the electric back-up

5 Posts
Nov 15, 2008 02:07 am

Hello Lowell:

What would you like to know about the 502?

I should tell you that I removed it from service about a year later because it was leaking in a spot that could not be repaired, but I think I still have some of the information that came with the boiler and some parts that I salvaged if you're interested.

thanks for contacting me and I'll help with whatever information I still  have.

J. Hart
4 Posts
Nov 16, 2008 08:46 am

Hi Jeb,

Thank you very much for answering a thread from 2006.
I have several questions but I do understand you've now
quit using it and your "hands on information may be a little

Brief Background.
I'm following in behind a close friend, Chuck Springer, missing persons, May 2008, whom we lost literally via dimentia and him going for a walk here in Maine and never returning.

Chuck bought this unit in 1993.  We are looking after his place for his family, and will be working out of here on our enegery related new product development work.  I'm a 63 year old engineer - which means I know enough to be dangerous.

Per the above, there has been on "hand off" from a previous user.  It is in it's original, installed, working configuration.  It is a Wood and Oil configuration with hot water baseboard circulation.  I do have what appears to be the original literature and instructions and have read them thoroughly.

Questions  (And feel free to be brief and/or answer one at a time.

1)  There is a left side round, screw open, screw closed vent.  The instructions say to leave it closed during start-up, which I've done.   I "believe" I've figured out that the ROUND SIDE vent is the air source for the secondary or higher temperature burn in the ceramic portion.

My question is, how does one have any idea how much air to introduce there? Does it or does it not significantly affect the boiler temperature gage on the front (The one the book says to run at 190 to 200 degrees?  My thinking was that it does NOT affect that gage much?  But even as I write that, I'm not sure why I think that.

Along those lines I'm wondering if I'm missing a stack temperature gage?  There is a 1/4 inch or so hole in the pipe leading to the chimney, and before the barometric air inlet.  My thought was that stack temperature mignt be the thing i need to know for setting that ROUND SIDE air inlet?

FYI, I've only now operated it about one week in warm conditions - day's 45 degrees nites 25-30. 

I've also had some trouble getting it to settle in at a good working temperature using the chain knob which controls the PRIMARY draft at the bottom, but don't worry to much with that now, as I think maybe the set screw could be loose under the know - I have to check out all that the next day or so.

Last, thank you again for answering. I'd like very much to follow up with you over time.  I'd be particularly interested in the "un-repairable" failure of your unit - was it a water leak or a fire box leak?   Given this one's age - bought in 1993 - I am concerned about failure modes.  Also, if we are in the same part of the country (I'm in Belmont, Maine), I may be interested in your salvage parts or literature you may choose to dispose of.

Lowell mainsail @ westweb1.net
Feel free to write direct if you choose.

28 Posts
Nov 16, 2008 10:00 pm

An excellent resource for Tarm information is hearth.com the webmaster for the site used to own Tarm USA
5 Posts
Nov 16, 2008 10:25 pm

Hello Lowell:

I tried to send a reply directly to the email address mentioned in your latest posting.  It was rejected because the"user is unknown".  You can contact me directly at helmdiffeq @ yahoo.com and I'll pass along any info I have
4 Posts
Nov 17, 2008 07:35 pm

Hello Jeb,

I'm sorry about the direct email bounce.  I don't have any idea why.  I've used that email address for years.  I've had an odd thing or two like this happen with that server once or twice before tho.  within the last 2 hours, I've tried to SEND 4 times from there.  (I'm using my server's website email while here in Maine.  I'll try a send again tomorrow to you, direct.  When this happened once before the message would go thru to the party but would not register in my SENT.  Hence if you get 4 messages from me . . .
4 Posts
Nov 17, 2008 07:37 pm

Thanks for that lead.  I'll follow that up also.
1 Posts
Jan 21, 2009 01:21 pm

...I think I still have some of the information that came with the boiler and some parts that I salvaged if you're interested...

We've decided to use our HS Tarm 502 to burn coal this year.  It's been working fine up until something used for the shaker grate broke.  The name of this part is the shaker handle shaft.  It's the shaft where the shaker handle bolts to on one end, and the other end engages with the first shaker grate.  One of the ears on the handle end broke off.

Also, if you burnt coal and happen to have the 3-pience coal baffle apparatus, I would also be very interested in that as well.  You can contact me directly via email at jbstouffer @ yahoo.com.



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