fan needed for mullbank composting toilet

2 Posts
Aug 25, 2007 04:31 pm
fan needed for mullbank composting toilet

I have an elderly mullbank (circa 1975) and need a replacement fan 120v AC. Any help locating one would be appreciated. I'm in New England (MA & RI). Thanks.
2 Posts
Sep 23, 2007 03:08 pm
Re: fan needed for mullbank composting toilet

Did you find a fan for your mullbank?  We have a mullbank in our lake house in New Hampshire and the fan went out several years ago.  We acquired a new fan at Grainger--my mother has the original receipt for the fan if you are still looking.  I can call her and get the model #.  Let me know.
Our mullbank was also purchased in 1975.  Our thermostat went out this summer and we found out the Klixon thermostat in it is no longer made.  If you have any suggestions for help, let me know.  Also, do you know the temperature at which thethermostat is supposed to be set???
Beth Webb
2 Posts
Sep 23, 2007 05:22 pm
Re: fan needed for mullbank composting toilet

Hi Beth, Thanks for the reply. I would love to know the make & model of the fan you replaced your's with and wher to get it. I'm not familiar with a supplier called Grainger...
My thermostadt also went, quite a while back, and I confess I've just never replaced it. I also don't know what its supposed to be set at. Sorry!
Thanks for any help you can provide. Joe Dewey
2 Posts
Sep 23, 2007 07:52 pm
Re: fan needed for mullbank composting toilet

Grainger is a national industrial supply company....they have a website with all of their locations.  You can look for a location near you on their website. 
The only problem is that they only sell to electricians, builders, etc.  My parents drove to Manchester, NH, picked up the fan, paid for it, but their electrician's name was on the invoice.  It was a quick fix.  They just screwed the fan in place and plugged it into the internal plug inside the mullbank.  The electrician told them to install it themselves. 

The fan is a Dayton Transflow blower, Model 4C744.  It is on the Grainger website for 76.65.  It says the supply is limited.  The entire unit is 3 1/2" high, 11 1/16" wide and 4 3/16" deep.  That should tell you if it fits in your mullbank.  You should be able to install the fan yourself.  You can look at the unit on the Grainger website.

Question:  how well does your mullbank work without any heat?  We are concerned about using it without the necessary heat to aid decomposition and evaporation of liquid.

Second question:  where is your mullbank in use?  a vacation home or year round house?  How many people use the mullbank?

Thanks for answering and good luck!

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