bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

May 15, 2003 02:32 am
bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

I don't know if such exists, but I live where there is no 220V outlets for electric stove/range and no gas lines.  What I want to know is there such a thing as a bottled propane gas oven/range for home use?  Where can I find out more information and where can I purchase one?
39 Posts
May 15, 2003 07:06 am
Re: bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

carla, most all gas appliances can operate on LP. the only thing you have to do is change the orifices on the gas controls. the Lp orifices have a slightly smaller hole compared to the ones for natural gas due to the density of the LP. just make sure when you purchase the stove that it comes with the conversion kit comprised of the new orifices...
2 Posts
Oct 2, 2003 07:43 pm
Re: bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

>carla, most all gas appliances can operate
>on LP. the only thing you
>have to do is change the
>orifices on the gas controls. the
>Lp orifices have a slightly smaller
>hole compared to the ones for
>natural gas due to the density
>of the LP. just make sure
>when you purchase the stove that
>it comes with the conversion kit
>comprised of the new orifices...

Tom, where can you find such conversion kits? My father needs to change a natural gas heater to a propane, but we cannot find a kit.

39 Posts
Oct 22, 2003 12:25 pm
Re: bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

MB, if your father is changing over a heating unit to LP, he would have to get a different gas valve and change the orifaces on the burners. You should be able to find one through your local plumbing and heating supplier, depending on the model heater he has.
The oriface conversion kits only work on gas appliances that have a direct gas connection, like your basic gas stove, that is usually going into a small regulator to reduce the pressure. These appliances do not have an electronic gas valve, such as on boilers, hot water heaters and furnaces.
39 Posts
Oct 22, 2003 12:31 pm
Re: bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

just saw your reply to jim with regards to LP conversion. Your dad has a warm morning, floor furnace? If so then you would have to change the gas valve and orifaces. Might have a hard time. Not sure if they still make those anymore. Might be more cost effective to get a new LP wall furnace if he doesn't have the means or space for a regular heating system.....
5 Posts
Dec 27, 2003 10:16 pm
Re: bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

carla,stoves and ovens are different from other appliances.they can usually run on both with just regulating the gas preasure in regulater.DON'T EVER HOOK ANY APPLIANCE UP TO PROPANE W/O A REGULATER!!Have the gas company you have delivering gas setup the stove.
2 Posts
May 31, 2004 02:53 am
Re: bottled propane gas ovens & ranges for home use

hey tom, i have a similar question... i hope its not ridiculous...

im moving into a townhome that does not have natural gas connections and i HATE cooking with electric.  if i were to convert a gas stovetop to propane what kind of "mileage" could i expect from a typical "camper-size" propane bottle?  (typical use  averages about 20-30 minutes a day...)

the current electric oven is on an island so there is no access to the outside of the building without ripping up the floor. so id need something reasonably small that i could keep somewhere inside a roughly 3x3 foot space.

1 Posts
Aug 9, 2004 03:33 pm
conversion ket

what do i need to get to make my viking stove be on propane gas? what kind of conversion kit?  what is the cost
1 Posts
Mar 6, 2006 07:21 pm
Re: conversion ket

>what do i need to get to
>make my viking stove be on
>propane gas? what kind of conversion
>kit?  what is the cost

Did you ever figure it out? I have the same issue. I need my viking stove to be propane.


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