GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

2 Posts
Mar 28, 2003 01:49 pm
GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

I'm looking for burned up, non-functional Advanced Energy GC-1000 Grid Tie Inverters.  Must be complete, not missing any components.  Now that AE is defunc there is no place to get them repaired so basicly are junk pile fodder.
3 Posts
Apr 11, 2008 11:56 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted


I have to Advanced Energy GC 1000 inverters.

One is working, the other not.

Where can I get an owner's manual for this model so I can trouble shoot.

Thank you

1 Posts
Aug 21, 2008 06:38 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

I have a copy of the GC1000 owners manual. Not sure if it would do you any good, cause it's pretty general information. I myself am looking for the AM100 optional monitor package. I have an operational GC1000. It's been working very well for the last 10 years or so. I never was able to get the AM100 for it.
3 Posts
Aug 21, 2008 10:23 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted


A while back, these folks had a monitor for sale.
I was advised by a solar installer not to buy the monitor, as
when it told you the trouble spot, you might not be able to get parts to fix the GC-1000.
I have two GC-1000's.  One is operating at 100% and the other is limping along at moybe 20%.
When the good one fails, I will replace them both with one unit.

Written to me in a previous e-mail in May...

"You can purchase the last Am100 monitor at:
We do have one monitor left in STOCK.
Can be purchased at:
I have another one that says BAD Unit if you buy this good one I'll also throw the other one in for you,, may help out someday I don't know but you can certainly have the other one also.
Thank you
Northwest Power Co, LLC

Best of luck,

2 Posts
Jan 26, 2009 10:05 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

Are you ready to dump the GC1000's yet?


I have to Advanced Energy GC 1000 inverters.

One is working, the other not.

Where can I get an owner's manual for this model so I can trouble shoot.

Thank you

2 Posts
Feb 6, 2009 01:01 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

Hello James,

 I have 1 GC1000-SA. I have had it for 4 years, when I was given it from a friend. I was told it was working when removed from operation. That is all I know. If interested in it let me know!!!


2 Posts
Feb 6, 2009 03:22 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

Where are you located?
What a coincidence, I’m picking up two broken GC-1000’s next week .  A working unit, or was working, is not common, they seem to have had a very high failure rate for some reason.  Everyone is using high voltage inverters nowadays, the GC-1000 was a low voltage inverter, 36V to 48V only.  It doesn’t have much value though, mainly because I’m about the only one in the world that fixes them.  But I might still be interested in taking it off your hands.

Hello James,

 I have 1 GC1000-SA. I have had it for 4 years, when I was given it from a friend. I was told it was working when removed from operation. That is all I know. If interested in it let me know!!!


2 Posts
Feb 6, 2009 04:09 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

Hello James,

 I am in Calif.

1 Posts
Mar 8, 2010 10:37 am
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

I have one of these inverters (Advanced Energy GC 1000)that has just failed. I am going to try to fix this but if I am unable to, I am willing to get rid of it. Can you give me any ideas on what frequently goes wrong with these? If not, do you know anyone who repairs them? I would really appreciate you help.
Thank you very much,
1 Posts
Mar 9, 2010 06:56 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

Hello James,

I have a similiar situation to others on here... bought a new-in-box GC-1000 a few years ago and finally got around to trying it out.  I have two 67V / 60 W panels that I connected, and aimed two 500W work lights at the panels (it's been cloudy out lately).

My amprobe is showing no current on the AC output...
Upon activating the DC breaker, the LED blinks twice, then three times, and then two times always after that. My voltmeter shows the DC string voltage cycling from between 45V and 65V every ten seconds or so.

I don't have the installation or O & M manual to decode the LEDs and can't find it on line.  Any suggestions?

Thanks, Daryl   
3 Posts
Apr 22, 2010 12:28 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted


Do you still repair the GC-1000?
I have one that is not fully working.
I am in the Los Angeles area.

1 Posts
Nov 17, 2011 03:43 pm
Re: GC-1000 Inverter(s) Wanted

I still have two operating GC-1000's if anyone needs to contact me email me here > solar"at"j-com"dot"net, replace at with @ and dot with .

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