Want to heat a pool

2 Posts
Nov 10, 2010 06:45 pm
Want to heat a pool

Have purchased a 90W panel (18V, 5 A) and a liang D5 pump.   Can just hook them up and let it run as long as the sun is up.  However, I'd like to exercise some control and do some monitoring.
Looking at the caleffi differential controllers.  It appears that they run 115VAC, or 12 or 24 VDC, and the power they switch to the pump is the same power as at the power supply.  I'd like to run the controller off the PV module, and be able to run one or more liang pumps at full throttle.
Is it possible to accomplish this with a caleffi controller?
462 Posts
Nov 12, 2010 05:46 pm
Re: Want to heat a pool

Ronald, have you considered using the pool pump instead? Those small pumps you purchased may not deliver enough water from the pool on a daily basis to make a difference....
2 Posts
Nov 12, 2010 06:41 pm
Re: Want to heat a pool

Can't run pool pump after 12 pm, because it's peak time (57cents kW), so it's not much good for heating pools. 
The collectors will be at pool level, so the head will be small. If I need to, I'll add one or more pumps.
This application only needs 3-4 gallons a minute.
22 Posts
Nov 30, 2010 12:30 pm
Re: Want to heat a pool

Sorry I'm late to this discussion.  AltE Store has a PV powered DTC, the IMC Eagle 2 for PV, http://www.altestore.com/store/Solar-Water-Heaters/Differential-Temperature-Controllers/IMC-Eagle-2-DTC-for-PV-Direct/p7167/.  You connect the DTC to the PV, and it will turn on the pumps when the sun is up AND the differential is met on the DTC.

Amy Beaudet
Solar Thermal Queen
AltE Store

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