Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge

Sep 3, 2015 02:13 pm
Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge

I'm installing an 8000 w array on my barn Pretty ideal case facing south with no shading. I'm debating Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge. I like Solar Edge system over Sunny Boy for 2 reasons: 1. Failsafe to 1 volt per panel output
2. Monitoring of each panel output.
However the cost for Solar Edge is about 50% more and SMA is the industry leader with good track record.
I'd like feedback on your opinions and/or experiences with either or both inverter systems. Thanks.
47 Posts
Sep 14, 2015 10:05 am
Re: Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge

Ah, the eternal debate, string vs panel level inverting. In your situation, there really is no right or wrong choice. Since you don't have shading issues, there really is no need for managing each module. And quite frankly, monitoring per panel is fun, but really not needed. Do you need to know if you have bird poo on one panel that will wash off with the next rain?

With a switchable combiner or pass-thru box, like Midnite Solar's solutions,, you can meet NEC 2015's requirement to shut off within 10' of the panels.

SMA's SunnyBoy TL grid tie inverter also has a great feature that no one else has right now, their Secure Power Supply, which gives you up to 1500W of 120VAC power during the day in a power outage. It's nice to be able to charge up your phone and laptop and other small devices when the grid is out.

Solar Queen
altE Store
47 Posts
Sep 14, 2015 10:11 am
Re: Sunny Boy vs Solar Edge

Also, if you are interested, I did�  quick video doing an overview of grid tie solar string inverters, DC Optimizers, and micro-inverters you may be interested in watching. I used a Fronius instead of Sunny Boy, but the message is the same.

Solar Queen
altE Store

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