Next to zero gains at high noon

Aug 21, 2015 07:10 am
Next to zero gains at high noon

Hello- I bought the setup for our off grid cabin and it worked great from the day we installed (last November) until about a month and a half ago.

What we noticed was the battery bank started to slowly not reach 100 percent each day, when we were used to seeing it back to 100% by about 11:00am each day. Even on cloudy days we would see that the panels were gaining about 8-10 amps. It was not uncommmon in bright sun to see it producing 20+ amps.

Now, according to the TM 2025 battery monitor, we only gain about 0.5 - 0.9 amps at high noon! When an appliance turns on, however, we do not see the number drop into the negatives- the reading simply goes down for a moment and then back to +0.9 amps when we know from the past that the fridge draws 3.5 amps when it turns on.

Are there any quick reasons as to why this would be happening? Is it my charge controller? I find it hard to believe that on a bright sunny day the panels are only producing 1 amp.

Any tips on where to begin are greatly appreciated!
6 Posts
Aug 21, 2015 09:57 am
Re: Next to zero gains at high noon


Yes, this may not be a quick response; it very well may be the charge controller, but it is very difficult to say without knowing more details about your entire solar power system. If you give us a call we can look up your order and determine whether it is something we can troubleshoot over the phone, or recommend a call to the solar charge controller manufacturer for more detailed technical assistance.

Our toll free number is 1-800-320-9514.


« Last Edit: Aug 21, 2015 10:09 am by Jocelyn Angel »
462 Posts
Aug 25, 2015 11:14 am
Re: Next to zero gains at high noon

If it is the monitor you are relying on, maybe it's that, especially if it doesn't show spikes when you turn something on. That monitor can also be switched for current going in and current going out of the battery, make sure you are looking at the correct setting, as well as battery % full. Check fuses and connections on the monitor.

Take a voltage reading of your battery bank, if they are full, then current coming in may be limited. If you can, check the voltage and current coming from the panels at the controller or nearby junction box. Then if you see a problem, start checking panel connections and grounds.

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