Help me choose a solar charge controller please

1 Posts
Jul 15, 2015 11:43 pm
Help me choose a solar charge controller please

My setup 300Ah battery bank (12V) Solar panels (18V) 300W
Placement of panels not ideal but good enough. Panels are vertically mounted.
Help me choose a good quality charger controller. I would like to maximize my charging time and optimize my panel supply. I am keen on MPPT, but just cant find one I like that is within my budget. Is the PWM really going to be a poorer choice for my 12V 300W system?
Please advise? Where to purchase as well would be great as well!
6 Posts
Jul 16, 2015 10:19 am
Re: Help me choose a solar charge controller please

Hi Jing,

We would be happy to help you choose the right charge controller for your system. First we would need a little more information. How many panels do you currently have and what is the open circuit voltage? My initial thought based on what I am seeing here is Midnite's Kid MPPT charge controller may be good fit as far as price and getting the technology you desire (see link to our webpage below). To confirm,�  feel free to call us here at the store to discuss over the phone so we can be sure to get you the right equipment.

Kind Regards,

Jocelyn - Technical Sales
877-878-4060 ext 165
4 Posts
Aug 3, 2015 04:04 am
Re: Help me choose a solar charge controller please

You can choose solar charge controller in Renesola(,it has lots of solar products.

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