20 amps at 120v. or 2400w of power

2 Posts
Dec 14, 2010 06:12 am
20 amps at 120v. or 2400w of power

I am a newbee and have been reading for about 3 wks. I want to build a solar system that I can run a small fridge 24/7 and tv 4hrs a day and some 12v pumps for water etc. I wanted to know what I would need to supply 2400 watts of power 24/7. I may be able to scale it down to half but wanted to dreem in color if you know what I MEAN. this is for a camp site off the grid. thanks for any info you can help me with. Brian.
462 Posts
Dec 14, 2010 10:48 am
Re: 20 amps at 120v. or 2400w of power

Brian, first you have to determine how long you are going to use each appliance. You said a tv for 4 hrs and a fridge for 24/7. Does the fridge actually run 24/7? There are calculators here at the Alte store to determine actual power needed. Basically if the fridge is only running a few hours a day then calculate by using the amps x voltage x hours used to determine how many amp hrs you need.

 eg. 10 amps x 120 Volts x 2 hrs = 2400 amp hrs

then you would need around 4 , 100 Watt panels, exposed to the sun for 6 hrs to recoup the power used.

then do this with each appliance and add up all the power needed on a daily basis.

As far as a charge controller goes, once the amount of panels is determined, use the current from the panels to size your controller.

eg. 4, 100 Watt panels, at 12 V and wired in parallel, will deliver around 100/12 x 4 = 32 amps. So using a 40+ amp charge controller should work for this example.   

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