Two turbines, one battery bank.

Sep 9, 2010 08:44 pm
Two turbines, one battery bank.

I have completed a successful test run on my DIY wind turbine, ave 200 watts, running an ac output to a rectifier next to my 12 volt battery bank. I've now got a hold of a DC generator and would like to set it up to the 12 volt system. I have a C40 charge controller which should be able to handle the overall current and voltage. Do I need to place diodes on the generator outputs? Any recommendations are appreciated.
220 Posts
Sep 10, 2010 12:46 am
Re: Two turbines, one battery bank.

 hi philip,

 congratulations on your wind turbine build! this stuff is tons of fun.

 sounds like your rectified ac mill is working well and this second "dc generator" is a wind turbine also? if so, yes we want to have a blocking gate (diode) on that as well..both feeding right into the battery bank.

 getting close with the c40 loading..will the max combined output be less than ~500 watts?

 it's very important to get yourself set up with a reliable dump load for your battery overcharging is the second best way to ruin a battery bank, the first best is to undercharge it. i would suggest a resistive load of about 0.4 ohms rated at 500+ watts. we have some wiggle room there +/-.

 a couple of scribbles for a visual-

dc mill with stud diode

dc mill with rectifier as blocking diode.

rough sketch..(fuses and disconnects not shown)

cheers, dave

ps. any pics?

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