Technical Discussion: Other

Have a technical RE question that doesn't fit in our other categories? Looking for some specific advice from others in the RE community? Ask it here!


Subject Started by Replies

Help with the plan for my electric system on my boat

Hello, I'm customizing my boat and one of the main things I"m doing is installing a new 24V electrical system...
Brett Williams 6

Off Grid Propane Fired Radiant Heat

Hello All, I'm in the process of hooking up my radiant heat system for my off grid home and had a couple of questions.&...
Dave C 5

Powering devices on a sailboat

Hello all, I'm starting to do some research about adding solar and/or wind power generators to my sailboat.  Tryi...
Bran Erdelyi 1

Noob and Golf Cart --- Again!

I read many of the forums posts on golf carts. And frankly it confuses me more than helps me decide on what to do. So I am posti...
Ed Selkov 2

Batteries don't seem to hold a charge

Early this summer, I came across 6 Caterpillar Batteries. They are all 12v Deep Cell 100Ah 750ccA batteries. I already had 4...
Steven Messer 3

Lithium a better performance per $ than lead?

Let met start by saying that I built my own off-grid 400 watt solar PV system with 6 of 100AH @ 12V lead acid batteries.  M...
Alan Dennis 7


I have an opportunity to purchase 20-KC120's fom an estate sale. I know that there were issues with panels built between 20...
Don Abel 3

Using Ultra Capacitors To Extend Battery Life

I ran across an article in my travels (see link below) detailing the use of ultra capacitors in forklifts to extend the battery ...
Travis A 15

Energy draw switch

I own a small island in Canada that isn't connected to the grid. About 3 years ago we got our first renewable power, a simp...
Steven Messer 11

wiring a hybrid off grid ssytem

does anyone have a schematic with AWG for a 12vdc 200watt turbine and a 10 watt 12vdc solar panel.  the turbine puts out a ...
Pat Bissen 1

Three phase Solar Power for commercial use

Hey everyone, I'm currently designing a three phase solar power system for commercial use. I've pretty much d...
Adam Cu 8

Trace C40 Controller

Where may I locate a schematic for a Trace C40 Controller?  I have one and it is malfunctioning.  Xantrax will not sen...
Jack Williams 6

Leave Batteries connected or disconnect when not in use?

I have a 12 volt solar system on a second home that is in use 4 months of the year (Dec. thru April). Is it best to disconnect t...
Al Jolley 1

Adding a battery bank

I have a bank of six Surrette 4-CS-17PS 546Ah batteries in series for 24V, installed in 2008.  I would like to now double m...
Thomas Anderson 8

Help!!!! Wire crimping or soldering?

OK....I'm starting to wire the DC box BUT...the Outback breakers have nuts on them and it looks like I"ll either have ...
Ann Byers 10

Eco-friendly Travel Tips

The number of people who travel for business or pleasure is increasing every year. It is important that people are aware of Eco ...
Robert Mathew 0

Eco-friendly Birthdays Tips

It’s your kid’s birthday and you must celebrate it in an eco-friendly way. Know how to celebrate eco-friendly birthdays so t...
Robert Mathew 0

Detecting and Remedying a Phantom Load on Battery Bank

I have a 48V battery bank of 16 Trojan L16s (2 banks of 8 batteries connected in parallel), off-grid, serviced by 3600W solar an...
Dave B 7

Beat Global Warming with Artificial Trees

Artificial trees can be used to cut down carbon dioxide emission and helps to maintain stable green environment. It is necessary...
Robert Mathew 2

Inexpensive battery bank charging ....

My system... 300 watts of solar panels, Solar boost 2512x controller, 14 deep-cycle 220 amp/hr batteries wired in series for 12 ...
Tim Dederick 0

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