how many amp hours is a car battery

3 Posts
Dec 16, 2002 02:01 pm
how many amp hours is a car battery

about how many amp hours is a car battery???
and can i use a car battery or 2 with a inverter to run a celling fan ( about 17 watts) i have 3 small solar panels about 18 volts @ 200 ma  each and charge controller to keep the batts up
2 Posts
Dec 16, 2002 02:15 pm
Re: how many amp hours is a car battery

The amp hour rating of car batteries vary greatly.  If all you are running is the ceiling fan, a single car battery should do.  The combined output of your panels is about 10 watts.  Once you figure in line losses etc, you will be lucky to get one hours worth of fan for every 2 hours of maximum sun exposure to the panels.
39 Posts
Apr 8, 2003 11:05 am
Re: how many amp hours is a car battery

car batteries are designed to give high amp output for short periods and won't provide long periods of power, just leave your car radio on for a little while and see how long it will last.

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