blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

5 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 05:15 pm
blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222


I have an old 12V/200W Wincharger (1222 model) with 2 blades made out of one piece of wood (diameter being 72"). A stormy weather however destroyed my blades and now i am in a desperate need for the plans (templates at different stations)of those blades. Could anyone provide me those plans. Willing to pay any costs.
Kind regards,

97 Posts
Mar 23, 2009 10:38 pm
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

Hi Bert.  Just a thought here............have you considered changing the blades to a fiberglass type that will weather better than wood and perhaps be more durable?  I have purchased some from Applied Magnets that are presently working fine for about $60. (set of spare) You may have to redesign the hub to accomodate them......thats what I did. Where there is a will, we find a way. ;-)  Jon C.
5 Posts
Mar 25, 2009 06:17 am
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

With thanks to Jon for his answer. Unfortunately, as i am living in Europe Belgium it's quite hard to get this stuff from Applied Magnets over here. On top of that this Wincharger is some kind of an "oldtimer" , the one that was delivered with the famous "Zenith" farm radio's in the 1930's . See also  <>
And i would like to keep my Wincharger as original as possible.
So i am looking for the original plans of that wooden prop and to carve it myself, must be fun.
220 Posts
Mar 27, 2009 03:06 am
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

hello bert van hoye,

 as a bit of fun i have been looking around for information on that vintage wincharger of yours. it seems that there have been many requests over the years from folks around the world looking for these elusive propeller plans to no avail. the website claims that a dutch gentleman has a dutch language manual with the plans in it? lots of great photos of original condition and restored models around though. i see several variations in the rotor design even in those that claim to be all original an might guess that there were a few different suppliers for the "stock" propeller.

 check out this one listed as "new old stock" it looks exactly like some of the photo images of propellers from the original machines.

 bert, i bet if you set your mind to it you could use parts of that old prop of yours as a guild to knock off a prop as good or better than the stock one. while keeping in the spirit of that original one. do you believe that the prop that broke was actually 70 years old? amazing...

good luck with your project. as you said should be fun!

regards, dave

edit: update! i located the original patents issued to john albers for the prop and assigned to the wincharger corporation. some good info there with blade profile.
« Last Edit: Mar 27, 2009 04:24 am by david ames »
5 Posts
Mar 27, 2009 02:19 pm
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

Hi Dave,

Many thanks for your "searchwork": the puzzle is slowly coming complete. The prop who is on sale on e-bay looks like the one i broke in pieces but sending this item to Belgium would be very expensive. Your suggestion to put the pieces of the prop together is interesting. The John Albers plans can help also; it must be possible to recreate the profile somewhat. I also try to get in touch with the Dutch guy with his manual who possibly has something interesting for me.
Enjoy life and many greetings, Bert
1 Posts
Aug 2, 2010 04:10 am
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

Hi Bert, just wondering how you got on with your search for a blade for your Wincharger 1222.  I bought a Wincharger in Australia in 1980, it's been in use most of that time.  We've just moved house and I had it on the ground while I was building a new tower for it, and it was knocked over, with the result that the blade is in too many pieces to even figure out the profile.  Any leads much appreciated.

5 Posts
Aug 7, 2010 09:36 am
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

Hello Ian,
Still searching myself for suitable info.
I have asked for info at the Dutch publisher "Kluwer" who, long time ago (1941), published the booklet "Windgeneratoren" from a certain Mr "Wartena". Therein ought to be a description of the Wincharger propellor.
so far, no reply yet .
I'll keep you posted!
Enjoy, Bert
5 Posts
Sep 2, 2010 08:42 am
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

Hello Ian,

In case you'd like to carve the blade of your Wincharger yourself: i have got blade dimensions and description of the different sections for a blade with diameter of 1,50m, width of 91 mm and thickness at the root of 22 mm. I don't know if these correspond exactly to the dimensions of the blade that you have got on your machine. Apparently, the blade should run at 1100 rpm and should produce 150 Watts@9,3 m/s. If you are interested,let me know how i can pass them on to you. (got them in digital form).
Maybe you can leave me your e-mail address.
220 Posts
Sep 10, 2010 01:06 am
Re: blade dimensions for a wincharger 1222

 hallo bert,

 i would love to have a look at any info you have uncovered.
in your searches you must have come across alton moore III's work? very handy.

 comparing your numbers that is a very fast blade and power predictions sound about right.

 my email is:

*edited out*

 i hope to stumble across one of these wincharger machines one day..the more people with this blade info the better!

cheers and many greetings, dave. 73de kb1mzf to be edited out after contact..

edit: removed email..VFB.OM.TU.VE.55&73!
« Last Edit: Sep 18, 2010 08:09 pm by david ames »

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