battery protection

2 Posts
Nov 10, 2008 12:44 pm
battery protection

I recently purchased a solar system and installed it with the solar panels feeding the controller then the controller feedsing the battery's and the battery feeding the inverter and on inside the house.
Two days after the system was installed the controller allowed the voltage to increase to 19volts until the 3000 watt inverter sensed this overvoltage and shut down the inverter off. Thankfully the battery did not biol over. My question is what is there at solar store to protect the battery's if the new controller fails again. is there a voltage overprotection breaker for 12 volt systems? where can I get it and
Nov 12, 2008 02:36 am
Re: battery protection

That is the function of the charge controller, to keep that from happening. As far as I know there is no such product other than that but, I think it could be made. A redundant voltage sensor could be wired to hold in a contactor and if too high a voltage is reached, cause the contactor to drop out. It would have to be reset manually.

Kind of like the overloads on a motor starter only they work by excessive heat from over amperage.
This would have to work by overvoltage. The only problem would be at sunrise, something would have to pull in the contactor. If that part of it was automated and there was an over voltage "trip" the battery voltage would drop off quickly and then it would pull in the contactor, overvoltage, trip and drop out again and again.

This is sort of how a simple on/off charge controllers like the Trace C-30-A works, only you can set the low voltage reconnect and high voltage disconnect where you want them. But as far as I know they do not have over voltage protection.

 There would have to be a relay to open the "sunrise" circuit once it pulls in the contactor and close the "seal in" circuit to start charging but allow it to drop out in a high voltage fault and be manually reset.

Again this would work like 2 and 3 on a motor starter. 3 is the start and 2 is the seal in but the overloads protect by opening X2 and have to be manually reset. But, the coil would use power... Hmmm.
Uhh, sorry about that. I was just thinking out loud.
How about sharing with us the name brand and model of that charge controller that failed, so I know not to ever buy one?
2 Posts
Nov 12, 2008 09:34 am
Re: battery protection

 The name of the product is "Go Power GPR-25 Controller, I have a couple of systems on the island that I live on in Maine. I have had one of these GPR-25 contollers running my orginal system for 5 years and it works fine. When I built a system for a friend I ordered another GPR-25 and that is the one that failed 2 days after it was installed, it may be just a faulty contoller out of the box. I am hoping that when I plug in the replacement thing will work fine again. Alt E is sending me a replacement so there was good response from this web site store Thanks for the info

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