Solar sensor question

5 Posts
Dec 6, 2006 03:27 pm
Solar sensor question

Hello.. I bought a house last year that has an active/closed loop system.  I have finally gotten the darn thing somewhat operation. replaced the Grunfos Pumps.. flushed and refilled the system..It appears that one of my temperature sensors are possibly bad.. The heating fluid pump will not automatically swith on.. I will check the wiring this evening but the system is fairly old and I am wondering if any available sensor would work with my controls.. or are they more specialized and will only funtion properly with the same manufaturer  ? thanks
578 Posts
Dec 7, 2006 11:08 am
Re: Solar sensor question

what type of differential temp controller are you using? 
at worst case the controller may have failed.  if you replaced the controller and the sensors, that would probably cost around $200.  You can buy the sensors and try that first, they cost around $20.

here is a link

james - Alt-E staff

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5 Posts
Dec 7, 2006 12:43 pm
Re: Solar sensor question

I have some old controller made by Suntronix Inc.. I think they are no longer in business.. but it appears that the controls are working.. I shorted the collector plate sensor connections together at the controller and the heat fluid pump kicked on.. I then measured the wiring to the collectors and they read open.. the sensor in the storage tank reads about 16K ohms.. I should then probably try to find a 16K ohm sensor if it doesnt work after climbing on the roof and re-splicing the collector sensor wires..?...??
I am psyched to get this thing up and running.. the gas company here is ticking me off !!
« Last Edit: Dec 7, 2006 12:46 pm by Dan Jordan »
462 Posts
Dec 16, 2006 01:12 pm
Re: Solar sensor question

Dan, sounds like you got it right, and your solution should be as james suggested with a $20 dollar sensor from the store. Might as well get two in case the sensor at the tank goes at some point since they are probably the same age. They usually fry out if they get to hot, since your system wasn't circulating. Also corrosion from being outside can kill them.

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