Mono or Poly

55 Posts
Feb 21, 2010 02:11 pm
Mono or Poly

Of the materials that panels are made of what is the more desireable? That is what is available to the general public.
578 Posts
Feb 22, 2010 09:12 am
Re: Mono or Poly

it depends on the variables for the site.

in theory, monocrystalline would be slightly more efficient than polycrystalline.  for the same wattage, the mono module should be smaller. 

this is not always the case in practice.

very few people any more insist on one or the other. 

there are pv technologies with stark differences.  the differences in performance and cost in the consumer market are minimal between mono and poly crystalline in my opionion

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28 Posts
Feb 23, 2010 07:37 am
Re: Mono or Poly

Either one if its built by a major manufacturer is going to work well. To me it comes down to dollars per installed watt as long as space isnt a limiting factor. If space is a limiting factor, moncrystalines usually have higher efficiencies and therefore a smaller installed footprint.   

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