Load controller function

1 Posts
Apr 15, 2009 01:52 pm
Load controller function

I have a BlueSky charge controller with a 25amp load controller function. What is this used for and should I have it connected?
22 Posts
Apr 15, 2009 04:23 pm
Re: Load controller function

The load controller is a low voltage disconnect (LVD).  If you connect your load to it instead of straight to the battery, it will turn off the power to the load when the battery gets too low and back on when it is charged up enough.  I'm not sure which charge controller you have, but in the manual for the BS3024 it says that its default settings will turn the load ON at VBAT ≥12.6/25.2V, and OFF at VBAT ≤11.5/23.0V (depending on a 12V or 24V battery bank).  The default can be changed with the IPN-ProRemote.  Make sure if you use it you have a breaker between the charge controller and the load.

You can find the manuals for the charge controllers on our web site under product documentation on each product page.  (BS3024iL is at http://store.altestore.com/mmsolar/others/Manual_BSE_SB3024iL.pdf)

Amy Beaudet
AltE Store
578 Posts
Apr 15, 2009 04:30 pm
Re: Load controller function

if you don't have a dc load (such as a dc light bulb) then there is no reason you must use those terminals.  most people do not use the load terminals on charge controllers with that functionality.

leave them empty unless you were already planning on running a dc load less than 25a from the battery bank (that you would prefer the load not drain the batteries in the event of lack of charging).

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