
3 Posts
Oct 9, 2008 02:46 pm

I have some old lawn mowers and chain saws. Is it possible to use the magnet pully and line up 4 or 5 coils and put it on an old wind mill for the purpose of making electricity. I'm disabled but able to tinker around in the shop. Have already made a water solar collector for HW or radiator blower use. Thanks
184 Posts
Oct 9, 2008 08:48 pm
Re: Junk

If you do a little searching on the Internet you'll find plans to build windmills out of items like computer tape drive motors, brake drums, and other things.  I've also seen plans for a pretty cool generator made from an old lawnmower and a car alternator.  I think it would be a better idea to use someone else's successful design than to reinvent the wheel.  IMHO

Oct 11, 2008 11:39 am
Re: Junk

Lots of similar discussions at this place.
Or if your looking for something a little different, (lots of links here to more interesting stuff.)
Oct 11, 2008 11:47 am
Re: Junk

Where I wrote "more interesting stuff," I wasn't implying that what your doing isn't interesting, just more interesting stuff like what your doing.
Another place to try would be the online archives of the Mother Earth News magazine.
3 Posts
Oct 11, 2008 08:55 pm
Re: Junk

John I powered a motor out of hard drive using electric drill and got 2.5 VDC and the old ATV I have runs the lights off the magneto
3 Posts
Oct 11, 2008 08:56 pm
Re: Junk

Thomas thanks for the links

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