Importance of UL listed modules?

7 Posts
Jan 9, 2009 09:03 am
Importance of UL listed modules?

Obviously the UL listing has become an industry standard but how necessary is it?

Are UL listed modules required for PV installations in the United States? Does the NEC call for UL listed modules for grid interconnected systems? Furthermore, do local inspectors look for this?

If anyone can give me some insight on  this topic, I would greatly appreciate it

Jan 9, 2009 03:48 pm
Re: Importance of UL listed modules?

If you are preparing to have a PV array installed on or at your home for the purpose of providing your home with that electricity and you want to get state offered incentives to help pay for it, then it will need a permit and henceforth an inspection and if the inspector is familiar with residential PV systems he will be looking for the UL stamp of approval not just on the PV modules but everything in the system. I cannot say that it is a "must have" but I do know it will raise the eyebrows of an inspector experienced with residential PV systems if he doesn't see the UL stamp of approval. Best bet if you are going this route, check with your local inspections office first.
Here is a place you can start your search.
Across the top of the page, look for "search" and type in something like "UL listed PV modules".

Don't forget about your homes insurance policy, they might have something to say about the PV system as well.
52 Posts
Jan 9, 2009 04:05 pm
Re: Importance of UL listed modules?

You'll want to check with your code inspector, since it's up to that person, but I'll bet ya an ice cream cone that they will want to see a UL stamp. You inspector, as the authority having jurisdiction, will look for "listed" equipment- while there are other agencies then UL who list UL is the best known in the States. I have heard of several installations failing inspection due to unlisted modules being used.

Your utility may not (and should not in my option) allow for grid interconnection without UL certification.

In the event of fire your home owners insurance most likely would not cover any damages resulting from an unlisted product.

I would only use UL listed modules for most projects in the US.
« Last Edit: Jan 9, 2009 04:09 pm by Chris Brown »
7 Posts
Jan 10, 2009 10:07 am
Re: Importance of UL listed modules?

I kind of figured it would probobly be up to the inspectors. Which pisses me off cause its hit or miss with them.

So Chris, lets say these modules went through inspection and they failed, what would most likely happen after that?

The Modules I want to purchase for a project are non UL listed because they are from Germany, for Germany. and they cost $1.80 less a watt!

Jan 11, 2009 11:02 am
Re: Importance of UL listed modules?

First, take note of the date. A lot has changed in 15 years. Then scroll down until you find "barrier #3".
Of coarse this document has more to do with grid interconnect issues, but...
More recently and this primarily.
But as Chris pointed out, "You inspector, as the authority having jurisdiction, will look for "listed" equipment-"
Do these PV modules you are referring to have an IEC listing?
Jan 19, 2009 02:20 am
Re: Importance of UL listed modules?

Keeping this up to date with a little, in the news, trivia.

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