Grundfos pumps

1 Posts
Nov 26, 2008 11:57 pm
Grundfos pumps

Does anyone know what the Grundfos helical roitor submersible well pumps will do if they receive more power from the solar array than their performance charts specify for a given head:  For example suppose you were to connect 480 watts to a 6 SQF 2 pump with a 200 foot head. Will the pump just draw 350 watts and pump the maximum flow?  Can the pump work continuously in this mode?  Thanks
Nov 29, 2008 05:55 am
Re: Grundfos pumps

Salutations Robert Landau.
Quite simply put, the answer to your questions is, yes.
Think about a house on the grid. Here there are megawatts available but when you pull the trigger on your Skil saw to cut a piece of wood it doesn't take off at warp 9 or anything. As long as the voltage from the PV source doesn't exceed the voltage ratings of the pump motor it will be ok. Like the Skil saw, it will draw only the amps it needs to run. Just check those voltages.

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