Connecting to AET piping

3 Posts
Mar 13, 2009 09:42 pm
Connecting to AET piping

Just recieved two shiny new AET solar panels.  The instructions with the panel state that there is a "nipple" connection, which I would usually interpret to mean a threaded connection. 

However, there is simply a 1" pipe sticking out of the side of the collector.  There is a rubber gasket right next to the pipe, which leads me to believe that it would be a bad idea to solder it and overheat this gasket. 

What is the correct method of attaching a pipe to this threadless, non-solderable 1" copper pipe? 

Mar 14, 2009 09:45 am
Re: Connecting to AET piping

I have not used this product but it sounds credible.
As usual, its best to consult with the manufactures first.
Here is somebody that should know with a degree certainty.
3 Posts
Mar 14, 2009 09:06 pm
Re: Connecting to AET piping

I have not used this product but it sounds credible.
As usual, its best to consult with the manufactures first.
Here is somebody that should know with a degree certainty.

We thought about using that kind of epoxy.  I was hoping someone from Alt-E store would pipe up, this is a problem they must have to solve daily. 
1 Posts
Mar 15, 2009 07:23 am
Re: Connecting to AET piping

the guys at AET know exactly what they're doing.  Call them in Jacksonville and ask for Billy
462 Posts
Mar 16, 2009 11:45 am
Re: Connecting to AET piping

Lawerence, these panels are made to be soldered together. Use a one inch copper coupling and solder. If you are weary of melting the rubber gasket, used only to seal the hole around the pipe, just keep the flame low and heat from the middle of the coupling. Or put a wet rag around the pipe near the gastket....
 If you are still not comfortable soldering, just use a hose and hose clamps. The system is low pressure and this method has been used for years, especially when connecting different types of panels.
28 Posts
Mar 16, 2009 11:58 am
Re: Connecting to AET piping

I soldered the 1" pipe on AET collector without a problem or melting the seals. A big help would be to use a map gas turbo type torch or a plumbers acetylene torch. Regular bernzomatic type propane torches really don't put out enough heat to heat up big joints quickly so the entire area gets overheated.

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