RE General Discussion

Feel free to talk about anything and everything about renewable energy in this board. From reasons for using alternative energy to general questions on types of systems are right for your needs.


Subject Started by Replies

Harnessing Wind

The wind is a natural source of energy and power. Wind blows when the land gets heated up by the sun unevenly making the air jus...
Jack Parsons 2

Mandatory not Alternative Energy

We keep hearing the talk about change, and needless to say we all remain skeptical. I will define change for you  this way....
Joel Koman 3

Tidal Power

Oceans form a great reservoir of world’s untapped, renewable energy resource. It is believed that only 0.2% of the ocean'...
Peter Johnson 0

Solar hot water heater

Has anyone installed a solar hot water heater? If so, how do you like it? Is it reliable? How is maintenance on it? What about i...
Daniel Burstein 4

Batteries / Off-Grid

When would you use 12v, 24v, 48v, or 96v batteries for an off-grid system? Is it strictly cost related or is there an advantage ...
Andrew Rasken 8

thinking of installing a solar water heater

my plumber will install a Sungrabber system with 80 gallon storage tank for about 6200.00; Az Pub. Svc. rebate will be about 195...
William Clark 2

Airbird Wind Turbines

I got a call from a guy who bought one of these turbines (see and wondered how to hook it ...
Jim Sluyter 10

how do you like this differential controller?

i like this differtial controller and was wondering what others though of it Sunearth SETR0301U ?
David Leighow 0

solar panels facing both south and west

  James from alt-e I hope you read this, I asked questions in the past and here are the results of the power produced by 6 ...
James Anspaugh 5

Help needed for Solar Panel Hot Water system

Hi Everybody, I just bought a house from a bank. It is forclosure. So there are many things we don't know about th...
James Mei 4

NEC 2008 code manual

 hi folks,  as a textbook requirement for a continuing education class i need to pick up a 2008 edition ...
David Ames 4

Solar is a sellers market after all:(

I see that the very same Kyocera KC-40T panel I purchased here not more than 5 months ago has gone up from $245.10 to $278.00!&n...
James Johnson 1

simple, cheap, shed system

I have a small storage shed (12' x 16') that I would like to install some lighting in.  It is not feasible to run...
Marc Kerschner 3

On Demand Hot Water

Hello All, I need to purchase a on-demand propane water heater. I'm off grid with a 1K array and a 880 amp hou...
Dave C 2

Saving Money on Water Heating

I came up with a way of reducing my electrical consumption for water heat that may or may not be of general interest, but though...
Jon C 6

During Float Charge - How to use the extra PV power?

I have a 700w PV system that is putting my battery array in to float charge for a couple of hours a day. Other than net...
Keith Birchfield 5

Two panel, one charge controller aboard sailboat..Questions???

I live aboard a sailboat, it is on a mooring, it swings 360 degrees around the mooring twice daily with the tides. My masts, 65&...
Stephen Brown 3

"New Music, New Energy Tour" idea

Hey, altE Store!  I am an indie singer/songwriter from LA, and I try to do as much as I can to lead a sustainable lifestyle...
Arden Kaywin 0

Have been preparing for solar...

I have been preparing for a solar solution now for 3 years.  I have updated my lighting to fluorescent and LED, insulated m...
Ronald r 1

Morning Star Tristar-45 charger

I order a Morning Star Tristar charger for my RV solar system. I'm in the process of planing the layout and was wondering i...
Robert Baker 2

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