Wind energy

1 Posts
Dec 21, 2010 11:27 pm
Wind energy

Wind has a lot of caliber which we are still unaware about. Wind turbines can provide more energy than the world’s energy consumption. Wind energy is known as the energy provided by the blowing air. It is one of the most reliable and dependable renewable energy forms, which requires a little bit of harnessing so that it can be conserved for the future
« Last Edit: Dec 31, 2010 06:28 am by Abomi Dorset »
7 Posts
Jan 31, 2012 06:33 am
Re: Wind energy

I also think that the wind energy is a good renewable source of energy. It's also the future of the world. Please share more about wind energy and its installation.
1 Posts
Feb 20, 2012 03:24 pm
Re: Wind energy

Nikola Tesla have whole book about wind energy.Man was out of time then and still now!
99 Posts
Feb 23, 2012 01:11 pm
Re: Wind energy

I also think that the wind energy is a good renewable source of energy. It's also the future of the world. Please share more about wind energy and its installation.

Every kind of energy source has its strengths and its weaknesses.  No one technology is the magic bullet for society as a whole or even an individual location. 

I'm happy with my Bergey XL.1 turbine, but it would be fairly useless to me if not paired with solar and a good battery bank and a backup propane generator.  I have a good location 500' up on a hill, but wind is not consistent.  It tends to blow more in the winter than the summer, and more in the evening than mid-day.  This happens to perfectly complement when solar is most useful.

You also can't design a system to supply the absolute maximum energy you will ever need because the system will be overkill for 99% of the time and probably too expensive to even set up in the first place.  So for those 1% of times when it's calm and overcast or you have a huge party or house guests, a backup system needs to be in place that is relatively cheap and capable of sufficiently boosting energy production.  A propane or diesel powered generator is a good option.  I use mine perhaps twice a year.

Also, if you're going to primarily rely on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, the first thing you need to do is significantly reduce your expected energy consumption versus typical American usage.  To power an average house would require a renewable energy system more expensive than the house itself!  The only way it becomes affordable is to maximize efficiency.

Once you've accepted and considered all of those things, then wind is a viable energy source and I would recommend it for those who have a suitable location.
12 Posts
Jun 29, 2012 02:19 pm
Re: Wind energy

You are a wise man, Tom.
4 Posts
Nov 10, 2013 09:29 am
Re: Wind energy

  I have to agree with tom. I have a 6kw solar bank and five outbacks running the solar system through the hub and mate. I also have four wind turbines with plans to add two more this winter(and another two outbacks and 2.4kw of solar). where I live the turbines are useless in the summer, but late fall till late spring they aid in my power production. they don't produce what the solar panels do, but at night when we are running mainly a few lights, ceiling fans and the tv they sure help to keep the battery bank topped off, or at least take some of the load off it.

  the wind is never staying at one constant speed. it is always moving and switching around. it never makes a constant power level. I have seen my turbines make as much as 400 amps in winter storms, but normally I will end up between 8-20 amps at any given time in the winter. that is why we farm the wind. i'd love to have a 10kw solar system and 10 turbines. by time i'm done I will.
1 Posts
Aug 5, 2014 12:01 am
Re: Wind energy

Hi,  I appreciate all the relevant information posted here about wind energy. Yes, it is correct to say that it is one of the resources we have around that has its many uses. It’s one of the environmental friendly and an  alternative energy that has been tapped into for thousands of years. The great thing about wind is its availability and its occurrence gives us  a promising technology.


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