Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

2 Posts
Dec 4, 2007 07:53 pm
Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

I have a tracking system that just keeps sweeping back and forth. The company was out of Phoenix Arizona.
Can I get parts or is there any literature available?
The company was a Div. of United Standard Management Corp.
Also called Sol-R-Beam
462 Posts
Dec 21, 2007 10:07 am
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

Bob, what part is broken?
2 Posts
Jan 8, 2008 04:51 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

Most likely the circuit board
462 Posts
Jan 9, 2008 11:43 am
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

Bob, that may be a tough find or fix. If it is just a timing circuit, there is a company you can find online that sells a cheap one, Altronix. Have you pulled the board to check it out? If something fried out you may be able to spot it and replace or repair it. Or check for bad wiring to it or sensors.
1 Posts
Oct 19, 2008 01:07 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

I am looking for manuals or information on the Sol-R-Beam system.  I have gotten a system and am looking for information on setting the system up.
2 Posts
Jun 14, 2009 07:15 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

I bought a Solar Resources System in Cincinnati back in 1983.  I have copies of the SC500 Installation Manual, the SC500 Installation Procedure, the SC500 Troubleshooting Guide, the United Standard management Corp Tech Bulletin 84-3, 1-17-84 and the Solar Resources International Installation, Operation and Maintenance Owner's Manual.  If copies are wanted call me at 408-903-3713.  It is my plan to reinstall the entire system.  It has been in storage for about 20 years and I know I will have to improvise.
3 Posts
Jul 27, 2009 03:29 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International


Could you copy all of the information you have and mail it to me? Address is One Planet Solar, Inc. 2350 Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47807. I will gladly pay for the copying and mailing. Get back to me at rictttl @
2 Posts
Sep 3, 2009 03:19 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International


Sorry it took so long.  I will copy all I have and send it to you.  Do you know where I can buy the saddles for mounting the 3/4" copper to the 1¼" aluminum.  I found a source for stainless u-bolts and will make some of the u-bolt shims as I can't find the ones from my original installation in Cincinatti.
1 Posts
Jul 10, 2012 06:36 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International


Sorry it took so long.  I will copy all I have and send it to you.  Do you know where I can buy the saddles for mounting the 3/4" copper to the 1¼" aluminum.  I found a source for stainless u-bolts and will make some of the u-bolt shims as I can't find the ones from my original installation in Cincinatti.

I have a system that I am parting out. If interested, call me at 631 944 0878. I am on Long Island, NY.  Robert Gudger
1 Posts
Aug 12, 2014 01:46 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

I just picked up a hotwater system from Solar Resources International. I believe I have most of the parts, but would like it if I could get my hands on some manuals. Things like the setup of the tracking systems.... would be a lot easier with manual. I got the stuff from differnt people and they had never hooked up the stuff themselves.

Larry Crosby
LarryCrosby001 @
1 Posts
Oct 23, 2015 11:43 pm
Re: Sun tracking solar hot water system by Solar Resource International

Hello I just bought a sol-R-Beam system. Do you still have parts left from the unit you parted out in 2012? Thanks

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