Need some advice

4 Posts
Jun 27, 2015 05:31 am
Need some advice

I work as part of the finance team for a chain of luxury stores and recently I feel like we can be saving a lot more in terms of energy and water. I have talked about this idea with my superior and he told me that any changes to how our company is ran must be agreed upon the President and different heads of the company first.
Now, I managed to interest our head of finance with my idea and he has given me a budget to spend on making a detailed proposal. I am now in my planning stage and I've thinking about where I should start first. I want to make it so that we can minimize our carbon footprint. Ourhead of finance has agreed that this will make our company's image better and possibly attract more customers.
Any suggestions or advice on how I can go about achieving this?
462 Posts
Jun 27, 2015 12:13 pm
Re: Need some advice

Cecelia, well I'll start with the obvious. To save water there are these things called valves or shut off at each faucet, usually under the sink. If you close them slightly, the water flow will decrease and hopefully nobody will notice. This simple method can save a lot of water especially if people tend to leave faucets running while doing other activities. Water levels in toilet tanks can also be adjusted. Water saving washers can also be installed on faucets.
 As far as electricity goes, there are usually light switches located in rooms and on appliances that can be shut off when they are not in use. A simple sign saying to turn them off may work. Day lighting and reflection is your best option to save on lighting cost. Once people get used to natural lighting they may realize they don't need to have lights on.
 Set computer's and  monitors to shut down or go into energy savings mode. This is usually in the computers bios or settings and can be set for any amount of time from the last keystroke or mouse activity.
2 Posts
Jun 29, 2015 07:25 am
Re: Need some advice

You can get the services of a management company that caters utility expense management services. I know there are companies that provide solutions and will help their clients to proactively manage their energy in the most cost effective way.
4 Posts
Jun 30, 2015 11:48 pm
Re: Need some advice

@ Tom Thanks for the advice Tom. Simple things but I should check if we have those.
@ Jeni You seem to know a lot about these companies. Do you have any experience with them? We are actually going to ask for a quote for energy management solutions. Maybe at the end of the week.
« Last Edit: Aug 6, 2015 05:38 am by Cecilia lazo »

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