Global Energy Network Support GENI

1 Posts
Dec 18, 2013 08:15 pm
Global Energy Network Support GENI

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GENI's mission is to conduct research and to educate world leaders and the public about the critical viability of the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources, what we call "the GENI Initiative." Our research shows that linking renewables between all nations will mollify conflicts, grow economies and increase the quality of life and health for all.
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462 Posts
Dec 28, 2013 11:53 am
Re: Global Energy Network Support GENI

I think trying to interconnect the world energy grid would be a mistake. Just think of all the corruption that would take place. Who would control the energy flow? Who gets what? Who is gonna steal?  More focus should be put on getting individuals to be energy independent. We can't get governments to agree on the simplist of things so why would you want to put them in charge of something of which they have no knowledge? Rememeber these leaders are lawyers and politicians , not electrical engineers.

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