A new way of generating electricity

2 Posts
Nov 25, 2007 06:00 am
A new way of generating electricity

My name is Claudio Bianco. I am an inventor, and have just completed my last work called "Continual Wind-Up", with which I take advantage of water oscillations to wind up a cord, and thus generate electricity.
I believe to have opened a new research field for renewable energy, but since I am the father  of this invention, my opinion does not matter.
I chose to use internet to make the invention known and I would appreciate your opinion.I would therefore like to invite you to discover a
new way of generating electricity without  polluting on www.cuerdacontinua.com 
28 Posts
Nov 25, 2007 10:00 am
Re: A new way of generating electricity

Claudio, you have a very nice website there, clean and with nicely done drawings. 

Not to put a spanner in the works, but you might do better spending less money on your website and paying your engineer a little bit more such that he can finish the calculations with enough detail, including ALL friction factors and a thermodynamic model of something more realistic than the ideal adiabatic process you have chosen to "prove" it works.  I do suspect that you will be able to see for yourself that the laws of thermodynamics are quite troublesome to circumnavigate.  That said, good luck in minimizing those adverse effects.
2 Posts
Nov 4, 2011 12:15 pm
Re: A new way of generating electricity

well I hope this second work, which also explains the operation of a flying saucer, will make you open your eyes.
99 Posts
Feb 23, 2012 02:51 pm
Re: A new way of generating electricity

How does this wave generator compare to a simple Faraday principle contraption of a magnet bobbing up and down through a coil of wire?  E.g. how one of those shaker flashlights work.  Compressing a spring to turn a wheel to turn a coil of wire seems less efficient than simply bobbing the magnet (or coil) up and down on the waves.
99 Posts
Feb 23, 2012 03:39 pm
Re: A new way of generating electricity

I've looked at your perpetual motion machine and I'm afraid it fails....

Assuming this is true:
From stage 1 to 2 = it generates 2 kW

Then this is not:
From stage 2 to 3 = it generates 2 kW and consumes 1 kW

If the conversion of potential energy (unequalized water columns) to kinetic energy produced 2kW, then the conversion of kinetic energy (pump) to potential energy in order to re-create the unequalized water columns will be 2kW + entropy.  In other words:

From stage 2 to 3 = it generates 0 kW and consumes >2 kW.

Or if indeed you don't disengage your generators while pumping, then:

From stage 2 to 3 = it generates 2 kW and consumes >4 kW

The 3-4 and 4-5 stages merely repeat this fact.

So on total, your machine will consume energy equal to entropy, i.e. the energy lost to heat in the water pump and generators.  It will not produce anything net of what was put in.

4 Posts
Jun 24, 2015 08:19 am
Re: A new way of generating electricity

It's not easy to invent and discover something new, it's phenomenal!

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